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I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't posted in a few weeks due to a change that's been going on in my life (dramatic, ik). Uh, I kinda lost touch with a friend at the start of school and she just happened to be my editor. . . things should be a little bit smoother now.

Shutting the door to our apartment, a silence blared between Akechi and I. Neither of us had spoken a word since he uttered those final thoughts. I shuffled off my shoes and hung my coat by the door, looking over to his sullen eyes. He was staring at the floor like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey," I said, reaching over and grabbing onto his hand. "I-"

"If you're going to apologize I'd just stop right there. I know you're going off to fight tomorrow anyways and nothing I do will stop you," Akechi interrupted.

I tightened my grip on his gloved hand. Mouth opening and closing, I couldn't find the words to say anything else.

"Staying in a world where my choices don't matter would bother me if I were in your place. I may not like any of the information you're telling me, but I can't keep running from the feeling you've been describing to me all along." Pausing, Akechi's free hand whipped up to his head and grunts of pain escaped his lips. "What the. . ."

"Akechi? Are you okay?" I asked, wondering what the hell happened.

"(Y/N). . ."

In one swift motion, I was in his arms and close to his chest. His heart beat erratically, still heavily breathing from the pain. Taking hold of my chin, he angled it upwards so that all I could do was stare back. One look into those red-brown eyes was all it took for me to know I had the real Akechi back.

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck, before landing a kiss on his lips. I could taste the coffee he had to suffice for dinner, and smell the aftershave from this morning. Any thought I had been thinking moments prior was gone in the blink of an eye.

As alluring as it all was, I broke away for air.

"Y-you're alive?" Akechi asked, just as breathless as I was.

I nodded my head, burying it in the crook of his neck. "Long story. It'll come to you in an hour or so. . . I hope."

Pulling me out from my hiding spot, he kissed me again, taking his sweet time. He ran circular motions along the small of my back, biting on my lip for entrance. I got so lost in the moment, I hadn't realized he had picked me up, hands securely holding me upright, in the process of walking towards our room.

Feeling the soft blankets of the bed, I smirked, breaking away from the kiss. "Well, aren't you smooth?"

"As a detective, I feel it important to know a thing or two," he said in reply.

To my surprise, he removed his ever-present gloves. Both hands moved their way down to the hem of my sweater, reaching underneath and delicately moving closer to my breasts. The cool sensation sent shivers down my spine contrasting the heat that rose from my skin in reaction to his antics.

"You seem to be enjoying it, so why would I stop?"

While roughly caressing his lips again, I ran my hands through his hair, noting its softness. He seemed to have other plans, however, as he tapped lightly on the clip to my bra, asking for removal permission.

What a gentleman.

"Hey, this has got to be a fair trade, now," I mumbled through kisses.

He smirked, before slowly trailing kisses down my neck, stopping by the collarbone to suck lightly. My breath hitched and I moved towards unbuttoning his dress shirt. Sitting up, he took off my sweater, eyeing my chest for a second, before moving to take off the bra as well.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now