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Here's to another chapter a week after the last one bc I have prom next weekend
*raises shot glass of water, drinking like it's vodka*
Hope I don't die from exams this week :)

(Y/N)'s POV

"The criminals calling themselves the Phantom Thieves are no more. However, I believe that this country's citizens are still living their days in anxiety. . . These scandals only increase our distrust of the current government. As a citizen myself, I am enraged!"

The TV droned on as I stepped inside. Having just about enough of Shido lately, I called out, "Hey, Mama? Can you turn that off?"

A click, followed by silence told me that she respected my wish. I shuffled my way out of the entranceway and into my mom's view.

"Where have you been this afternoon?" Mama asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Well, it's been a bit since I just sat down and talked with Arima-sensei, so I went to go visit him. Talked about what's going on right now and such. . . Did you know he's friends with Shido?" I sat down next to her. "He's been a bit more active in Arima-sensei's life lately."

"Oh, so is that how you got to play at one of Shido's events?"

"You could say that-" My phone started buzzing with the sound I had inserted as the Phantom Thieves group chat. "I should probably answer that."

Nodding her head, she let me go, reminding me dinner would be soon.

Scrolling through the conversation I had mostly missed, it was facts about Shido in meek attempts at guessing his distortion. I plopped down on my bed with a sigh. "If only Shido wasn't the center of everyone's attention for five goddamn minutes. . ."

Café LeBlanc had the closed sign up, but I ignored it, heading inside the dimly lit coffee spot. The team and Sae had gathered around the café, and it looks like they've been here for quite some time.

"Last one," Haru started, a grim look on her face. "'Diamond mine.'"

"No good," Makoto said with a shake of the head.

"How many'd we miss!?" Ryuji exclaimed.

Yusuke looked up, "Perhaps he truly does have a barrier up."

"Man, aren't all of you depressed," I said, making my presence known, considering they hadn't acknowledged it prior to now. "Out of distortion words?"

"Any chance you're going to tell us the word today?" Akira asked with a smirk, knowing my answer.

"Sorry, not a chance. You guys already know I don't really want you all going in there."

Sighing, Ryuji turned to Boss. "Can you turn on the TV?"

"Sure thing," he replied.

None other than the Detective Prince popped up on the screen. Mood dropped completely, and everyone held their breath.

"So, Akechi," the newscaster started, "Is it true you withdrew yourself from the media as part of your plan to capture the Phantom Thieves?"

"I truly apologize for causing such a stir," Akechi replied. "Honestly, it required a lot of courage to openly oppose them when their popularity was at its peak."

"He was just trying to hide his feelings for you, Akira," I joked, poking him in the back.

"Then, was it also your plan when you said they weren't at fault after their popularity declined?" The newscaster shoved a mic closer to Akechi's face.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now