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Here I am, sitting on VC with @FZeroTrash and crying over Angel Beats for the 3rd time because Hinata and Yui are super cute and I can't-

Word spread fast about the latest change of heart: Kaneshiro, the mafia boss that had been taking advantage of way too many students. 

I hadn't seen much about the case, nor had I heard much from other students besides passing comments in the halls. It's not like I had many to hear about it from anyways.

After class the following Saturday, I was packing up my things to head out for the afternoon, but I was stopped by a tall figure standing in front of my exit.

"Hey, Kurusu-kun. What's up?" I asked.

"Would you like to hang out sometime?" he asked. "Ever since Akechi made the introduction, I've been meaning to ask. . ."

"Sure, that's sounds great, actually." I bring a smile onto my face and look up at him. "When are you thinking?"

"How about today?"

"Alright, just lemme finish packing up here and we can head on our way. Got a specific destination in mind?"

He shook his head.

His cat, however, seemed to think of many places we could go right off the bat. Speaking of batting. . .

"How about we go to the batting cage not far from LeBlanc?" I asked, butting in to the cat's list.

Kurusu-kun seemed grateful for this and was quick to agree, only with the nod of his head.

We took the train and passed the time with small talk of school assignments or being in Kawakami-sensei's class. He mentioned how loud Sakamoto-kun has been lately, especially with the complaints of the heat and the preparing for our upcoming exams next week.

"Even doing a little bit of studying will save his ass for the exam," I comment.

He laughs at this. "Try telling him that; I've already tried."

"Have you tried modes of motivation? Sometimes that gets a bit of work done, even if it isn't much," I comment, holding out a hand. I immediately regretted it though, and slammed my hand back onto the pole when the train car decided to shake while rounding a corner.

Kurusu laughs again, but this time it's about my movements. At this, I feel his hand move to the small of my back to keep me steady.

Some heat rises in my cheeks, and I'm glad he can't see it through the crowd.

"Yongen-Jaya; this Yongen-Jaya," the electronic voice announces.

"Better make our way out before the doors shut," I say, starting my walk.

The crowds were bad, but not as bad as trying to get out at Shibuya. Making it above ground though made all of the difference.

The rest of the walk was in silence, but neither of us seemed to care. It was comfortable, so why break the comfort.

Upon making it up the creaking steps leading to the batting cage, a larger man greets us behind the counter. He looked to be middle aged, but his voice never hinted he was tired of his job.

Before I could realize what had happened, Kurusu was passing me a helmet.

"Wait, you paid for my rounds?" I asked, a little shocked.

He only responds with a slight nod.

"You- you didn't have to do that! I had brought some cash just in case and-"

"It wasn't a problem. C'mon, let's do what we came here to do," Kurusu interrupts.

The sharp sounds of the metal bat hitting the softballs left a ringing in my ears. I had just watched Kurusu hit a homerun for the third time in a row.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora