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Happy one year to DH! Also happy bday to Akechi. . . all of you better eat some pancakes

(Y/N)'s POV

Akechi stumbled to his knees after my team had beat the last bit of energy he had out of him. At a loss for words, I stood towards the back of the group again trying my hardest not to run to his aid, knowing I'd just be stopped by Akira.

"You ready to call it quits?" Ryuji asked, clearly annoyed.

"I know. . . I've had enough," Akechi said, pausing afterwards. "You're lucky. . . Lucky to be surrounded. . . by teammates who acknowledge you," he laughed, "You even took my own teammate."

"The Phantom Thieves will be seen as heroes once Shido falls. As for me, people will find out my past deductions were just a charade. My fame and trust will vanish."

"I see," Morgana pondered. "So you were turning people psychotic, then solving the cases yourself. And you did that by joining forces with Shido."

Akechi's maniacal laugh echoed against the steel surroundings. "In the end. . . I couldn't be special. . ."

"Dude," Ryuji started, "you're more than special."

"It pains me to admit, but your wit and strength far exceeds our own. We only defeated you by teaming up," Makoto said, trailing at the end.

Yeah just like I beat you guys' asses in Mementos.

"I was honestly envious of your natural ability, and it was the same for (Y/N) when she came barging into our groups that afternoon in Mementos. . . you trained her well."

Haru also spoke up, "I have no intention of forgiving you for what you did to my father, but, I sympathize with you. I wholeheartedly understand wanting to get back at the adults who took from you."

"You gained this great skill. . . but all you did was use it for self-benefit," I choked out.

"You gained two personas, which means you could've been like Joker," Futaba theorized. "But you trusted close to no one, so you only got two Personas: one for your lies, and one for your hate."

"You were better than us in almost every way, but the one thing we had, you lacked," Yusuke concluded.

Akechi stayed oddly quiet.

"Alright, we're going to get that calling card ready to take down Shido. What are you going to-"

"I had (Y/N). . . she's all I ever needed. . ." Akechi interrupted. "You say I didn't trust anyone!? What bullshit."

"You trust too easily! Don't you get that!? Look at you. . . you had to play dead like a dog just to keep away from my watch. I could care less if you were suspicious of me from the start, but acting dead because you allowed me in your little party!?" He shook his head and spat, "I've never seen something more idiotic."

Akira tilted his head to the side slightly. "I'd like to think it brought us together when we needed it most."

"Trust only brought pain to the person I enlisted help in. How can't that get through your thick skull? I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. . . You should get rid of me if you don't want me getting in your way."

Everyone stayed silent at his proclamation. Nobody moved an inch and the humming of the machinery was the only thing audible.

Akechi scoffed. "You all are truly beyond my comprehension."

A light clicking of well-polished shoes caused my head to snap up from its current position of looking at the ground. An exact replica of Akechi stepped onto the scene, moving closer to the kneeling Akechi.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя