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The school trip to Hawaii was almost over. We really only had one full day left before the dreaded flight home.

Well, I suppose it isn't the worst idea if it means I get to see Akechi. All will hopefully be worth it in the end.

As the day rolled on, I had realized I didn't have anything planned. My original plan was to hang out with Ann, but she headed out with some other girls earlier. Makoto, and more importantly, Okumura-senpei were both stuck in some chaperone dispute and I saw Ryuji running around with Mishima in tow. . . poor Mishima.

That only left one face truly missing.

Where the hell is Akira?

As if my questions solve everything, Akira appeared behind me in a flash.

"Speak of the devil," I said with a smirk.

"Man, I must be popular or something. Multiple people were thinking about me today," Akira started. "More importantly, you were on my mind. We haven't hung out in a while."

"Very true. You're in luck, apparently. My schedule just opened up when Okumura-senpei had to go help solve a chaperone problem."

Akira faked surprised and added, "Man, we both seemed to have been dropped by chaperones today. Both Makoto and Kawakami-sensei were called in as well!"

I let out a deep sigh. "If only I was surprised you'd be spending time with Kawakami-sensei."

"I am hurt, (Y/N). Seriously hurt."

He stood there laughing at me for a few minutes. As soon as he calmed down, his deadpan face returned.

"So what would you like to do this afternoon?" I asked, cutting off the silence.

"I wasn't thinking much. Maybe just spending some time on the beach, honestly."

"You sure? It's a little bit cooler today and Futaba asked me to bottle up some sand. What a weird request, if you ask me. I don't even have a bottle?"

Akira reached down into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle. "She may have prepped me in hopes you'd follow through."

"Sounds like Futaba."

As soon as we made it to the beach, we worked to find the best sand we could for Futaba. Considering the size of the bottle, we could fit a fair amount, so I decided to get creative.

We walked along the shore, just to the point of where our feet were kissed by the salt water, and I kept my eyes mostly glued to the ground.

"Uhh. . . (Y/N)? I didn't think I was that bad looking," Akira's words knocked me back to the present.

I slapped him on the back of the forehead before rolling my eyes. "I'm looking for shells, dummy. Sand on its own is only so good. I thought I'd find something pretty to add."

"What about that one?"

I looked to where Akira was pointing to see a shell small enough to fit in the bottle. It was rubbed against the salt water and sand so much that it had a small shine to it, rotating between a few muted warm colors.

"That's perfect!" I reached down and grabbed it, adding the finishing touch to Futaba's gift. "Good eyes, Akira. And I thought you were blind."

"What if I told you they are fake?" He asked.

"I wouldn't believe you and I'm being completely serious."

"Maybe they're just around for style points."

I snatched the glasses off of his face and wiped them off on the tee-shirt I was wearing over my bathing suit, before putting them on. The world turned into a swirl of blurs as I realized just how blind he was.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang