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"How long until we're out of this hellhole!?" Akechi yelled at Akira.

"Well, I think that all depends on if they left her body where I think they did," Akira replied coolly. "Judging by how your shadow was acting, I'm pretty sure she was left exactly where she was-"

Crackling filled the two's intercoms.

"You know, I may not get out much, but I'm not stupid," Futaba said, revealing her presence.

The boys looked up, shaking their heads.

"You're really going to get her body without any guidance from yours truly?"

Thanks to Futaba's help, Akechi and Akira ended up back where they had just been a day prior without meeting any resistance from shadows, staring at the metal barrier that seemed to mock their failure more than anything else.

Sighing, Akira walked over to the wall towards a button he knew to be broken. He pressed a fist down on it, hoping and praying that it'd work anyways.

It didn't.

"Might as well just continue where we left off yesterday," Akira said with a shrug.

The sounds of grinding metal clashed with the grunts of the two giving their all to break through to the other side. No matter how painful the outcome, her mother deserved a body to properly bury. They deserved a body to properly bury.

With one more swing of Akechi's toothed saber, the metal burst in two, creating an opening where they could see the girl they both loved lying in a pool of her own blood. Luckily, she had closed her eyes at one point in the process, but that didn't lessen the blow any further.

Neither one of them said a word.

What was there to say?

Akechi's balled fists met air in a failed attempt at punching Akira, who had easily dodged. "This wasn't supposed to happen. That was supposed to be me."

"It wasn't 'supposed to be' anyone, and you know that," Akira sharply replied.

"C'mon, guys." Futaba interrupted. "We can't stay here too long."

Takemi sighed deeply. "I'm not exactly a pathologist."

"I can't exactly bring her to someone else though, can I?" Akira asked, arms folded. "Nobody else knows."

She quieted at his words, noting the truth of the situation. How did he even get her here!? I'm sure someone would have noticed her lack of coloring. . . or the blood. . . or the bruises. . . or-

"Come on, please? I can't exactly just leave her mother worried sick as to why she hasn't returned home in a day. Watch as that turns into weeks, months even."

"Fine, but I'm not doing this again." Takemi worked as best she could, cleaning up the girl's body as she went along. "I've got two questions for you."

Akira looked up from his hands. "What is it?"

"What are you going to tell her mother?"

"The only reasonable excuse I could come up with was a gang attack. . . but even then, (L/N)-san wouldn't think something like that would happen." Akira's eyes cut (Y/N)'s unnaturally still body lying on the table. "Not to her anyways."

"Have you thought about telling her the truth?" Takemi looked up from her work. "I'll write your excuse on the death notice, no problem. But, if I was in her mother's situation, I wouldn't want it any other way."

Akira nodded.

Once Takemi was finished, she readied the phone to call the girl's mother, looking at Akira again. He wouldn't stop staring at (Y/N), likely hoping she'd wake up at any moment as if none of it happened.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now