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Oh my gosh who thought I would actually get another chapter out so fast?? Because I sure didn't- I didn't think I knew what weekly updates were!

"Let us play a game of roulette. The stakes will be. . . our lives," Sae said with the darkest smirk. "Of course, acts of violence are forbidden here. One must follow the rules."

"We already told you, there's no way we're gonna follow your rules anymore!" Futaba shouted.

That's fine by me. Such troublesome people will just face the penalty. . ."

The roulette ball continued its fast rotations around the board and the team in the center left their guards up instead of attacking first. She continued to explain the rules of a basic roulette game, asking us to place out bets.

Morgana called out from the sidelines, "I'm almost positive she's going to try and cheat, but even if we bring that up, she'd just ignore us. Just. . . go along with it for now and try to gain evidence on her methods of cheating."

". . . I agree," Akechi said.

Joker placed a low-wage bet on a black tile, hoping not to lose. Much to the entire group's dismay, it landed in a red tile and a portion of the four members' health went to Sae.

"Akechi," I mumbled to not gain any attention. "Did you see the reflective piece come up when the ball stopped rolling?"

He nodded slowly, raising a hand to his chin. After a few seconds of contemplation, he said, "I'll be right back."

Akira caught him in motion and they shared a few words through looks alone. Ending it with a simple head nod, Akechi continued on his way. He hid behind the freakishly large plants, waiting for the team to make their decisions.

Knowing that Akechi knew how to catch Sae in the act, Akira placed a higher bet this second time. Instead of health, it was money this time.

Sae laughed. "Do you really think betting higher is a smarter move when you've already lost the previous one?"

"Who said I had to be anything normal?" Akira asked.

And so the ball began to spin again, but this time, it landed in the range of numbers Akira had predicted.

Bright letters that spelt out "win" lit up the ground beneath their feet and money pooled out at Sae's feet.

Shocked by the turn of events, she was a little breathless. "Wh-what!?"

"Now, Joker!" Futaba called. The team of four surrounded the fallen shadow of Sae. 'What was that about fair and square!? You were totally cheating!"

Futaba's nagging persisted for a few minutes and the more she spoke, the more Sae's cries grew louder: "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"

Back away, they stayed with their eyes focused on Sae, but everyone could tell there was something building.

Sae changed from the sexy form of her shadow, to a large, unruly beast.

Chuckling lightly, I joked, "Hey, Queen! It looks like spikes run in the family!"

I mean, I haven't seen someone try to pull off pointed bras in a while. . .

Apparently this new form of Sae didn't like my joke, because she let out a guttural cry, alarming the rest of the team. "Cheating!? Unfair!? Silence! This is MY world!" Slicing through the air with her new knife, she continues. "I AM the law! I am everything! NO one in this world deserves to win, except for ME! If you still dare to defy my justice, then prepare to be totally crushed!"

"This. . . is my sister's true nature!? No. . ." Makoto trailed off.

"We're finally back to a normal fight. Gook luck, Joker!" Futaba shouted.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now