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"Your move, thieves," the shadow spat.

"Would now be a good time to laugh?" I asked Akira, sharing a desperate glance.

"Not unless it'll end up seducing the shadow," Akira responded. "But from the looks of it, this guy's pretty loyal."

The shadow stared menacingly at us, head tilted slightly.  

I looked back at the door as the banging picked up again. "Well do you wanna try something first?"

"Not really."

"Why won't the door open?"

The shadow laughed at this. "The trash must be taken care of away from the guests."

Taking a chance, I swiftly stepped forwards, attempting to strike the enemy. Their horn swooped down as soon as I got close. With no chance of making my hit, I dodged the oncoming attack.

Akira made a move next, summoning one of his personas. The attack hit properly, but didn't do a ton of damage.

"Ah, so you're leaving all the hard work for me?" I asked smirking lightly. That quickly fell, though, when my attack of the strongest caliber did even less damage than his did.

Akira sighed. "And what were you saying just now?"

We watched carefully as the shadow revved up another attack.

"Well clearly this isn't a strong fight for the two of us." I moved my hands up to block, but the nuclear energy went towards Akira instead. "Oh God, this definitely isn't my fight."

Akira frowned at this. "Just. . . give me enough time to work through a strategy."

I sent a strong physical attack to knock the thing to it's knees. "Oh yeah? I don't really think we have the time for that." Another was sent the shadow's way, but it only seemed to be faltering a little bit. "If there was four of us, this would be easy."

"No kidding."

Akira continued to try different attacks and I kept us buffed or healed, but nothing seemed to be working against the shadow that could just heal itself anytime it got below maybe half of its health.

I hit the ground hard after I couldn't evade the shadow's hardest attack. Taking a breath, I stayed down trying to get air back in my lungs.

"Could you," I paused to cough from trying to laugh, "take it from here? I don't know if I can get up."

"Like hell that's happening." Akira threw his knife into the shadow's leg to distract it. "I'm not fighting this bitch on my own."

"So while I'm vibing on the ground. . . what haven't you tried?"

Akira used those long legs of his to jump to the side, spinning in the process. "Uh, everything except the normal 'don't touch until all else fails.' So psych is out because you tried that, and nuclear will give them health. I didn't try bless or curse. I think that's all that's left. . . not sure if I have either though."

"That's your level of expertise, sir. I cannot help you there." I grunted, standing back up. I could feel some obvious bruising on my back. "That attack did a lot more than I thought it did."

"I found it! I found it! Oh wait, this one's been in the back of my persona bank since a Palace or two ago. . . God, it's gonna be weak."

I groaned. "How about you just use it?"

Calling upon the weaker persona, he sent a bless attack the shadow's way. As the white energy effulged the thing, my gut was telling me it wouldn't work and I'd have to step up to bat with some kind of hard-hitting attack.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant