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(Y/N)'s POV

"Haha, you punks're tough! I like that!" the Cleaner admitted in defeat. "You've got some backbone. All right, I'll give you my letter. Normally I'd have to 'clean' you guys up for messin' around on the ship, but there's no point now."

"You're letting us go?" Yusuke asked.

"This place ain't gonna last much longer if powerful soldiers like you guys got in here. Time for me to jet. The captain was great n' all, but he's gonna have to go down with this ship alone. See ya later, kiddos."

With that, the Cleaner walked away like we hadn't just kicked his ass.

Yusuke mumbled, "That was an unexpected response for a cognitive creation. . ."

"Politicians never get too close to their shady connections. They must have only been linked monetarily," Haru explained.

"Well, we finally have all six," Ann said. "We need to use these to get into the main assembly hall, right?"

"Yes, and I believe that will be where we find the Treasure. We've been to most other places to gather the letters- there's almost no doubt about it."

"We're gonna take his Treasure, no matter what!" Ryuji exclaimed.

"As I'm sure you all know, the importance of this particular card is unlike any that's come before," Makoto began.

I interrupted her, saying, "Ain't that the truth."

". . . Once we send it, our opponents will know that Joker, who they presumed dead, is in fact still alive."

"I hate to burst our bubble of amazingness, but I have my suspicions Akechi may have figured out that Joker's still alive," I said, causing everyone to still.

"When'd you last see him?" Akira asked, voice lower than normal.

"Just a few days ago. . ."

Makoto's eyes flashed with anger. "And why did you think that was smart in the slightest!?"

I scoffed. "For your information, which I don't have to share, we didn't speak of Joker or the Phantom Thieves at all. He has a life outside of what happened."

"I'm glad you shared your suspicion, Canaille." Haru slid a hand on my shoulder, eyeing a fuming Makoto. "It's better that we know anyways, but I think our focus should remain on the calling card for now."

"If we lose, our lives will truly be over. . ." Yusuke added.

Akira smiled. "They don't stand a chance against us, so it won't happen."

"I think our next questions are how and where we're gonna send the calling card," I said.

"How about we make it super flashy? Our whole big plan was all for this moment, you know!" Ann suggested.

"Actually, it must be theatrically done. A minor leak will only be crushed by Shido's influence," Yusuke clarified.

Futaba chuckled from the back of the group. "Hehe. . . It's finally my turn to steal the spotlight."

Closing out the conversation, we started making our way to the assembly hall. My gut was telling me it wouldn't be so easy to get there, however.

As soon as we were in the clearing at the top of the stairs, a figure stopped us all in our tracks. Snapping our heads upwards, the figure dramatically flipped down from the catwalk above, stopping us from further pursuit.

Walking into the light, the figure turned out to be Akechi.

Surprise, surprise.

"Long time no see, Joker," Akechi said.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now