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(Y/N)'s POV

Stepping out of the dressing rooms, we gathered around the three guys and Morgana to regroup before starting this absolutely flawless plan.

"I didn't think that we were really going with such a simple plan. . ." Makoto said with a heavy sigh.

"Hey, now," I started, "you gotta think like the shadow you're working with, and this guy is clearly a perv."

"And guys lounging by the pool are definitely going to check out girls in swimsuits," Morgana added with disappointment, though, I noticed his eyes lingered on Ann the longest.

"I wanna go home. . ." Futaba grumbled.

Makoto asked Akira, "Are we really going to do this?"

"Ryuji'll love it!" Akira responded.

Ryuji whipped his head fast towards Akira, and then back to the girls. Panic settled as he dug his hands further into his pockets, wishing this callout would go away. "It's for our plan! Will you stop sayin' stuff like that with a straight face!?" He stuttered for a few minutes, and turned in our direction. 'Will you guys just get over there before he leaves!?"

"H-Hello. . ." Makoto started.

"It's a nice day, isn't it?" Haru asked when Makoto's weak start got us nowhere.

Slightly breaking from his rich-induced coma, the shadow looked at the bathing suit-clad girls. "What do you want?"

"How about a letter of introduction to Mr. Shido?" I asked.

"A letter of introduction, you say?" He broke into a disgruntling laugh. "I would never give one to some nobodies like yourselves."

That bitch.

"A nobody?" Haru mumbled quietly.

"I've made my decision to only introduce those with a prestigious lineage. No matter how beautiful you girls may look on the outside, your ancestry cannot be changed."

When Makoto and Futaba started to stumble out gibberish, I looked to Ann to help us out.

"I'm quite charmed to meet you, sir," Ann started, pulling out a haughty tone and a British accent. "My name is Ann Windsor. My father is the descendant of British royalty." Offering an arm in my direction, I joined her side as she added, "And this is my dearest friend (Y/N) from royalty so far from here you likely wouldn't know it existed!"

The two of us laughed lightly, waiting for any sort of approval from the portly man. Our surrounding friends were very confused, as this had come out of thin air.

"I beg your pardon?" The man sat up in a hurry at the words of supposed royalty."

"These other three are the daughters of my retainers," Ann continued to lie through her teeth like it was nothing.

Man, I wish I had this kind of skill to fool old, dumb dudes.

Makoto played along quite flawlessly. "Oh, yes, Lady Ann treats us quite well."

"Ahh. . . Are you half British, Ann-chan?" He asked, leaning forward. After gaining confirmation, he looked at me. "And what of you? What background do you carry?"

"Oh, some of my family is of (nationality) descent," I answered.

"Neither of the two of you have features that match well with Japanese girls. One can easily tell at a glance."

". . . People tend to have such misconceptions, but that isn't true," Ann said with a smile. "My hobbies include tea ceremonies. Then again, my father forced me to learn that art."

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now