Chapter 50

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Third person's pov.

The soft melody echoed off the walls. One of the classics if precise. A woman, the same woman who has purple eyes, had haunted Evelyn's mind once.

She was dressed elegantly in black gown, like the queen. Perhaps she is the princess of the late king and queen who were found dead in their chambers.

The tune took a turn into a darker place, as her fingers keyed it randomly, making some offbeat notes.

Her eyes were hollow, the rage brewing inside them was enough to burn someone alive.

"Your grace" the butler bowed, his posture rigid as he spoke like a robot. Darn if he ain't scared of this woman sitting right here.

Her fingers stopped playing, her gaze looking into distance.

"The funeral had begin, your presence are required at room"

She didn't reply to him, instead she stood up, her platinum hair cascading down till her waist. She is beautiful and fierce in every way. Being the only daughter of the King and Queen, she had steeled her spine long back ago. If she wants to thrive in the world, where men can do anything as they please, she needs to fight.

Without showing mercy, especially to those who don't deserve it.

"Your grace," the butler fell behind her as she made her way downstairs to the chamber where hostages are prisoned.

"Open the door" she voiced out, staring at the iron bar ahead of her. Why is she here, instead of attending her parents' funeral?

Is it worthy? The love.

To love someone despite knowing how bad they're. Despite knowing there's no chance to heal them. Someone who cuts deeper than the butcher's knife.

The butler wiped the sweat away from his forehead and stepped forward to remove the lock. His hands trembled.
She walked inside the dungeon, her heels Making rhythmic sounds as she stood in front of the cell.

"The fuck" man grunted with sudden annoyance when small light streams in his room.

"Sorry for inconvenience, Love" the woman smiled cruelly. There was nothing sweet about her smile. She can't believe she had loved this man once, who is incapable of handling his own shit. What she had seen in him? Maybe it's because he loved her, or maybe he had pitied enough on the girl who always wanted to be perfect in everyone's eyes. He had saw the crack in her fake facade.

"Cath" the man grunted, his eyes falling on said woman, crawling towards her.

"Catherine" she didn't take a step back when he kneels before her.

"My name is Catherine and I don't remember giving you the right to call me by my name. That's an insult to my royal title" she snarled in his Direction.

"You bitch" the man growled, trying to latch on her by force but she was quick to kick him in the chest.

"Call me bitch again and I'll carve the word against your skin until you forget your own name" she threatens.

The man fell into hysterical laughter, spitting.

"I am your fucking husband-" she cut him midsentece.

"I do not have any relationship with the monster like you" she spits on his face.

The words echo in a man's mind thousands of times. He remembers his own father saying him on face. He remembers being abandoned.

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