Chapter 49

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Third person's pov.

• Just cute shit •

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Just cute shit

"What the hell?" Luciano grunted at Damon who scowled at him.

"Don't swear at me and do your damn work properly" Damon swears back at his little brother.

"Guys" Aaron sneered at his brothers who kept failing at tasks.

"Shut up" both of them snapped together.

"Don't shut him,'' Nick snapped, getting tired of their argument.

Since he got this amazing plan of making a sleepover at home. Now he literally, almost regrets it cause his siblings are a bunch of imbeciles.

"Who the fuck put him in charge?" Damon growled, glaring at the later two.

"I did," Alex's voice echoed in the theater room. Even though he didn't have a wink of sleep this week, his posture screams authority and power. His shirt was crumpled a little bit with speck of blood. His jacket crooked at the nook of his elbow and his hair messed from the repeating a frustrating caress of his finger.

He arched his eyebrow at his remaining siblings. They all gulped, seemingly affected and ready to bolt out of the room if he is going to blast.

"I mean he ain't doing his work properly. Look at these curtains, Luciano can't even fix it in the ceiling" Damon laughed hastily, making a joke.

Alex arch his eyebrow at him.

"Fine" Damon grunted, this shit is ridiculous. I mean we didn't have one sleepover when we were kids, so is it necessary now?" He complained like a kid.

"More reasons to have one" Aaron drops back a comment, grinning at him. He flipped him off.

The soft footsteps fell against the floor and Angelina entered with Xavier, lots of shopping bags hanging over her arm and Xavier's arm.

"I think I might have to be on stand tonight if someone is getting heart strokes from this" he waves the bag in air, his face pulling in pout.

"Don't be so dramatic, brother," Angelina replied with a huff. She really did have a hard time convincing him to buy this junk food. He even had the audacity to put down all nachos, instant fries and noodles and gum packets back on shelves when they're shopping. It was a really really tough job.

"And here" she grinned excitedly, slapping the shopping bag on her brother.

"What's that?"

"Without onesie how can there be a true sleepover?" She chuckled, adding on further. "Remember you brought me a whole set of them when I was little?" she smiled at Alex. A small smile makes way to his lips as he nods softly.

"You wanted to wear them at kindergarten too"

"Because they were so fucking cute" she giggled. And Alex ruffled her hair.

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