Chapter 23

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Ever heard of the phrase unbearable?

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Ever heard of the phrase unbearable?

I'd like to label a few people as unbearable today. Starting with this ugly piece of shit.

"Pavlov, we don't have much time, I've school to attend unlike you, so you better start speaking; bitch" I all but glared at him in annoyance. I've two lectures free after lunch, so Angelina has managed to sneak me out of school. With being grounded I won't be able to sneak out of the house.

Kidding, I can but I don't want to.

Lemme enjoy my first grounding.

"I told you everything. '' he gurgled, trying to speak but he couldn't , with the blood choking him and his left side of teeth, all picked out one by one.

Courtesy of Damien.

That was so cruel and it must've hurt like a bitch.

"Where's he now?" I asked the same question umpteen times. It started to give me a headache.

"I don-" a scream left his lips when I cut his little pinkie.

"Please, please" he begged, tears and snot marrying his ugly face.

Gross sight.

"We can do this thousands time Pavlov. I can fix this little ugly pinkie of yours back and then cut it again. Again and again until you decide to answer. Now tell me where the fuck he is? And if you lie this time it will be your dick kissing the blade" I threatened.

"Thailand–he's –in –Thailand" a sob recked through his body as I grip his hand, sewing his finger back. I let the needle pierced his skin harshly.

"Good. That was easy. Wasn't it?" I asked, smiling as I used my Power to heal his finger.

I do not know why but this method always works for everyone. Just a little pinkie. Cut it, sew it back, heal it then repeat until he starts to speak.

Not so much dramatic torture but effective.

"Where's a liliana?" I asked, the bitch is glued to him like a tail. i can't believe she left the man like victor, for that shitty son of excuse who isn't her own son.

"I don't- " I just made a small cut on his pinkie again, not cutting it fully.

"England, she's in England" he yelped.

"And my Mommy dearest?" A bitterness morphed in my voice as I asked about that woman.

"What-?" His eyes poked wide as he stared me

"Oh please, I know buddy. That woman thrives with drugs in her veins, Don't fool me telling she'd lose control over it and was knocked out somewhere." I give him a tight smile.

He just stare, not speaking.

"I'm getting late for school, Pavlov. I know you don't care about it but I do. And my father do and if he gets call from school; someone informing how his daughter is missing the class. He won't be happy and then I won't be happy too. " I smirked.

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