The Gilded Path

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(Y/n)'s POV

I watch the S.O.G goons jump down through the roof surrounding us.

"Protect the base!" Lloyd orders as we all jump into battle.

The sons of Garmadon had us outnumbered but they seemed to have forgotten that they tried to take on the entire elemental alliance, and some of the best Warriors in Ninjago.

…I then watch Darreth run outside.

‘Okay, most are the best warriors!’

Acronix then time-ported behind me and kicked away one goon, “I wasn’t aware Garmadon had so many admirers!” He comments.

“Trust me, father is quite popular!” I tell him as throw a goon over my shoulder while the Garage doors are opened by Killow as more goons charge in.

The two of us break away and I stand back to back with Nya, “So, what do you think the odds are of us getting through this?” She asks.

“Seeing how we’ve got all the elemental masters and some of worse enemies on our side,” I start as I flip over Nya’s back and kick one goon while she punches another at the same time, “I’d say pretty good!”

“Focus! No time for gloating!” Seliel states as she joins us while blocking Ultra Violet’s dagger.

“Take the children alive!” I then turn and saw Harumi enter the depot.

‘Greeaat, gang’s all here.’

“Thanks for noticing. Also, A LITTLE HELP?!”

I wince and then turn to see Lloyd getting dogpiled. I sigh and then, using shadow form, I sneak behind the S.O.G ganging up on Lloyd and manage to pull him out of there.

“Thanks sis.” Lloyd pants with smile.

I smirk and cross my arms, “Nobody messes with my baby brother.” I say before turning back to the battle, the elemental masters and the Bizarros were using their powers, Ronan, Echo and Seliel had their combat skills, Kapow, Chope, Scales.Jr and Chip were lending support and Pythor was using his invisibility and tail to wrap things up.

“We need to fight!” Lloyd says.

“Not fight, endure.” I remind him.

“I missed you, (Y/n).” Lloyd and I turn around and see Harumi standing above chuckling before jumping down.

I managed to catch her wrists, “You’ll miss me again!” I say before tossing her away.

Skylor pins her down and turns to Nya, "Nya, get them out of here!"

Nya comes over to Lloyd and I before grabbing our hands and running towards the battle wagon, "Come on!"

I stop after realizing something, "Wait! We can't leave-"

"Don't worry, I got it." Morro states as he approaches us, holding the bag with the pieces of Oni masks, "Now let's get you two out of here!"

Lloyd, Nya, and I approach the battle wagon but then we hear the door opening and we all turn to see father.

“Oh perfect.” Morro comments,"Okay, change of plans, I'll stall him, and you guys get out of here."

"Are you nuts?! Lloyd and I couldn't even beat him." I tell him.

"Who says I have to beat him?" He chuckles, "Besides, it's about time I formally get to introduce myself as your boyfriend."

I blush a bit before Lloyd drags me into the battle wagon. The hatch closes and Nya activates the vehicle. But just before we could move, something slams into the engine and then father breaks open the window, “You, are, going, nowhere!” He before charging his powers.

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