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(Y/N)'s POV

"My turn. Uh, it's my turn!"

"Oh, you want a little more? Take this."

"Yeah? How about a little of this?"

"Monkey Paw to the head."

"Ninja roll."

"Dragon punch!"

"Too slow."

The boys and I are training...Well, Zane is meditating, but still. I'm currently avoiding arrows with my eyes closed. That is until I slip on something and an arrow was launched near my head.

'Woah! Way too close for comfort!'

I quickly get up, taking the blindfold off to see the arena floor covered in ice. I slide towards the other three Ninja and we all look at the one responsible in annoyance.

"This roof isn't big enough for the five of us." Kai states.

Cole looks at Kai, "Correction. This roof isn't big enough for him."

"It's like he's in his own world...though I'm sure it's not as big as Kai's ego." I say before dodging a punch to the shoulder from said fire ninja.

"I bet he can't even hear us!" Jay yells, attempting to get Zane's attention.

Zane continues to fight the air...for some weird reason.

"Sensei, Zane's...weird." Kai states, trying to find the right words as Sensei walks up to us.

"He's still a better ninja than you." I state with a smirk, causing him to glare at me.

"What is weird?" Sensei asks, "Someone who is different, or someone who is different than you?"

Cole sighs, "No, sensei, he's weird weird."

He's right. I remember when I was eating (f/f) in the kitchen, after I got done I turned around and Zane was just standing there. He stayed like for like two minutes.

"Do you need a napkin?" He had finally asked.

"What?" I had questioned.

He then grabbed a napkin before coming up to me and wiping a piece of food off my cheek...as if I couldn't do that myself!

'He's lucky I didn't punch him in the face.'

We all look at Zane,"We like the guy, he's really smart. He's just, uh, a little off sometimes." Kai says.

Uncle Wu turns to us, "Zane is a brother, and brothers are often different...I should know."

'Often, but not always.'

I wasn't that much different from Lloyd at his age. I went to Darkly's, I wanted to be like dad, to be evil, I was pretty good at it...

'That's why my mother felt like she had to send me away.'

I sigh as I look up into the sky, "Lloyd, you better be careful."

Suddenly, the doorbell goes of, sounding like a gong.

"Mail!"  We all exclaim and run towards the door, opening it to find the mailman.

He sighs before he starts to dig through his box, "Let's see, a letter from Jay's parents. Hmm...Kai has a fan letter. Oh, something from Cole's father."

The others take their stuff, but Cole and I stay, still waiting for something.

Cole looks at him in shock, "What? No package? I'm expecting someone from Creatures, Beast & Beyond."

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