The Curse of the Golden Master

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(Hello! I've been gone for a while and I'm sorry, I'll try to post more often, anyway here you go!)


(Y/n)'s POV

"Okay," Lloyd starts,"So let me get this straight."

"After you fell down the mountain you went into shadow form and started falling through the earth."

I nodded and he continued.

"After you stopped falling you landed In the Serpentine Tomb, which is underneath the middle of Ninjago where you met Scales and his family."

I nodded again.

"Then you met Scales son, he told you a story about yourself, and helped you get back to us."

"Yep!" I say popping the P.

"It looks like you had more fun than us." Dad chuckles.

"What did you guys do?" I ask

"We got hunted by a giant mama bird because I touched her child, thinking it was in danger, and in the process of that I learned how to move mountains." Lloyd said blandly.

I staired a both of them with wide eyes while we walked down the stairs, that I now realize Lloyd made.

"So they had a little dangerous adventure."

"While we made friends with one of the enemies of Ninjago...AGAIN!"

'That just means people feel comfortable around us.'

"Next thing you know we're going to befriend an evil Nindroid."

'That's not a bad idea.'


"It's not just Lloyd, daughter." Dad tells me.

"You too could--"

"Ah, no thanks Dad." I interrupt, "I'll leave the moving mountains thing to Cole and Lloyd."

"I'd rather just stick to the darkness and shadows of my element."

Dad sighed and looked at Lloyd, seemingly asking for help.

Lloyd turned to me and smirked.

"I got a bad feeling, just back away slowly..."

Dad continued down the stairs while Lloyd grabbed my arm and pulled me of the trail and into a dark cave.

"You know what, you're right!"

"I am?" I ask hesitant.

"Of course you are!" He exclaims. "So much that I'm gonna trust you with something very important."

He left me in the cave and stood outside the entrance. I just looked at him confused while he held his hand up.

All of a sudden, the mountain started shaking.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" I yelled.

He gave me an innocent smile, "I'm gonna drop some boulders on me, but you're gonna save me before that happens."

"What are yo--?" I tried walking out of the Cave, but he started to make the mountain more unstable.

"Stay in the cave, sis. You don't need to be with me to be able to save me."

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