The Truth Hurts

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Back so soon?" Wu questions as the we walk into the bridge.

"Yeah, well we didn't really get to fight him since he fell into a pond," Kai explains.

"He fell?" Mom questions.

"Well, he was fighting (Y/n), and I guess he just took one wrong step." Kai explains.

Wu and mom look at me and I nod.

"Well, then. While it is unfortunate we couldn't bring him to appropriate justice, you all now have more time to go on patrol." Wu states.

"Yes, sensei," We say before filing out.

But just as the others were about to head out Morro grabs my arm, "we need to talk." He says before leading me away.

I follow him inside my room and shift around uncomfortably as he locks the door.

I fiddle with my ninja Gi, "Uh, Morro-"

"Why did you kill Clouse?" Morro asks me pretty straightforwardly.

"What?" I ask, surprised.

"I saw you," Morro says. "You picked him up and dropped him in that pond after you knocked him out. He didn't just fall in."

My eyes widened, "I...I didn't want to, Senka said-"

"Senka is your shadow, (Y/n)." Morro states. "She shouldn't have a say in your actions."

We sit in silence for a minute before Morro spoke up again.

"Look, he was a very bad guy, so he kind of deserved it...just don't do something like that again." Morro holds my shoulder, "I don't want you doing something your gonna regret,"

I blush but gave an embarrassed smile and held his hand, "I-I, thanks, Morro." I say

Morro smiles back and jerks his head, "Come on, let's not keep Nya with those bozos any longer," he jokes, making me laugh.

"Ugh, gag me!"

Morro and I walk out to the deck where the others were preparing for the patrol through Ninjago.

Nya looks at Morro and I before giving me a cheeky grin.

I roll my eyes as I approach (D/n).

"Everyone ready?" Lloyd asks, receiving nods in return.

"Ninja, go!" We all shouted I fly on (D/n) as the others use their elemental dragons to fly over Ninjago City.

As we flew over the city, Jay decided to speak up, "Well looks Ninjago decided to cut us break, and once again the city is peaceful."

But as soon as he said that, we hear the sound of sirens.

"Way to jinx it, Jay!" I retort.

"Sorry!" Jay apologizes.

We look around and see multiple thugs running out of the Ninjago City bank.

"Just some common thugs, we can handle them." Lloyd states, "Just catch and detain."

I nod as I split off from the group in order to go after two of the thugs.

"Alright, we'll just go up to the rooftops and-" I tried to say before Senka made us go into Shadow Form.

"This way is faster!"

We travel through the alleyway, chasing after the thugs.

I then appeared in front of the thugs, "What the-?! Where'd you come from?!" One of the thugs demanded.

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