Chapter 22 Caring (18+)

Start from the beginning

A driving beat with violent intervals of boiling love thrusts had them both breaking through any physics.

And Fourth's tremendous hunger escalated the friction several times throughout the night.

Again and again.

More of Gem's arousal.

More of those lust-soaked eyes.

More of those hot and hungry lips.

More deep thrusts of that magnificent pulse.

And Gem feeling so bad that he lost control.

He stood in the room of their beginning, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

He worries so much about his love.

With every movement Fourth made when he got up, he saw him in pain.

And the sight stung so fiercely in his heart.

As fiercely as he sought to fulfill his Fourth's wishes in the night, driven by love.

Those hot words he echoed to him with demanding eyes.

And the eternal hunger that he tried to satisfy with full desire.


How could he be so careless?

Fourth's heavenly body was simply experiencing too much friction.

And the memory of every moment he penetrated his love's hot body again made Gem's pulse throb.

Now his face was leaning against the bathroom door, making sure Fourth was safe in the shower and out of the tub.

He worries like this.

"Why don't you let me shower you off?" grumbled Gem to himself.

And Fourth's stubbornness was already showing on him all their life, after all.

After all, he knows his best friend when he wants something.

He knows how to take what he wants consistently and with vigor.

Fourth has always been able to follow his goal precisely.

Gem always admired and appreciated him for his discipline.

So now he gained an entirely different insight into this incredible willpower.

"Now you're soaped all over!" giggled Fourth gleefully in the shower.

They left their tent only to rid themselves of all the body fluids and oils.

And Fourth insisted on being allowed to soap Gem up completely after he had scented himself clean.

"Now I'm going to shower you off and let you air dry!" wondered Gem about his statement.

But who is he to contradict the most beautiful man in the universe.

Fourth's countenance floated melodically in the moist, steamy air, making every movement look like a sensual wingbeat.

Gem's soul floated in complete harmony in the Garden of Eden while his lover washed him down with warm water.

And he was pressed with his back against the wet tiles after the water took a warm leave.

"Shall I tell you what I would like now?" two beautiful eyes rolled in front of Bad Boy's face.

And Fourth sensual body approached with lithe manner.

"I want to see him grow!", Gem saw those eyes move down, "He's so gorgeous and I know what he can do!", Fourth's words made the air burn.

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