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I reached up, lightly touching the freshly healed wound that ran across my throat. I winced, remembering the searing pain as Etho sliced through my neck. I knew I was lucky to be alive. And I also knew many people wished I wasn't.

"Are you ready?" Ren glanced at me. I looked down, adjusting the straps on my chest plate.

"I think so" I nodded, "as ready as I'll ever be".

"Excellent" Ren smiled, "our armour should hold the whole battle if all goes well". I smiled nervously back. In truth I was terrified. I wasn't ready to fight people I still considered my friends. I don't want this, I thought in a panic, I never wanted this.

"Pearlescentmoon, are you alright?" I shivered as I felt a figure loom over me. Trying not to freak out, I slowly turned around to face Aiqaz. I gulped as I looked up at them. With their masked eyes they looked menacing. For a moment I stopped to wonder what was under the mask, and why they wore it.

"Uh- yeah I'm fine" I nodded quickly, trying to hide the panic.

"Dear, why do you seem afraid?" Reijo leaned down, cupping my face in their hands, "you have no reason to fear us. We only wish you help you, don't you understand?".

"I'm not afraid" I raised my chin defiantly. Reijo's lip twitched, releasing their grip on my chin.

"Good" they nodded, "there is no room for fear when the battle is near".

You'd have to be crazy not to be scared, I shook my head slightly, I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Your majesty, we are prepared" Tango strode forward, dipping into a low bow, "we are at your command".

"Very well then" Ren dipped his head, "the sun is beginning to rise. Let us march". And so we went, making our way through to the trees and foliage. Getting ever so closer to spawn, where we would lie in wait for the Hermits to arrive. I fiddled with my hands nervously. We were going to ambush them, catch them off guard. They wouldn't be expecting it, for all they knew Ren and his allies would still be in camp asleep.

I was expected to fight alongside the Watchers and attempt to force Etho and Grian into submission. I had realised something crucial. I had absolutely no idea how to use my powers. I could use them, sure, but I hadn't the slightest clue how to control them. Nobody had taught me anything, and I was too scared to figure it out by myself. I wondered if Etho was the same, or whether Grian had taught him anything.

"Pearl, I can tell you're nervous" Ren suddenly sidled up alongside me, "don't worry, once the battle starts the adrenaline will keep your terror away". He smiled at me in a comforting yet strangely unsettling way. I broke his gaze, forcing myself to look at my feet.

"I'll be fine" I murmured, "we're not killing anyone, right?"

"Pearl, look at me when I talk to you" Ren growled, "I restrained myself from causing real harm as best I could, just for you. But it's time to face the fact that people will die".

"Why?" I slid my gaze upwards, startled at how hostile Ren had become, "aren't they our friends?"

"Do you really still consider them your friends?" Ren raised his eyebrow, "it's time you chose your side. Them, or me".

"I just don't want to hurt anyone..." I whispered, "I don't want to betray you but I don't want to hurt them".

"I know it's hard" Ren placed a warm hand on my shoulder, suddenly gentle and caring, "but I was there for you when they weren't, it is I who really cares for you".

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