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Well that was entertaining.

I sat perched in a tree in the Arch of Champions. I'd been eavesdropping on Ren, Pearl and Cleo's argument. It sounded like some bad blood had come between them. I grinned, arguments between Hermits could be pretty hilarious. Although this time, it was a lot more grim. I didn't fully understand the extent of what Ren did, therefore I couldn't understand why Cleo was so angry.

I sighed, standing up. As I stood up my foot slipped, making the branch crack. I stopped, praying it wouldn't break. Luckily it didn't, but I looked down to see Ren and Pearl staring up at me.

"How long have you been there?" Pearl laughed, "I had no idea".

"Eh, I saw you fly in and thought I'd come see what was happening" I shrugged, "Cleo sounds furious".

"She just hates me" Ren replied, "but she'll come around".

"I heard you got your memories back".

"I did indeed" Ren nodded, "what's it to you?"

"Nothing, just curious" I said neutrally, "you haven't done anything to me so I don't particularly care".

"See? Even Doc gets it!" Pearl turned to Ren, "I can't see why it's so hard for the others".

"The reason I don't hate Ren is because I wasn't there" I said flatly, "if I'd been there I can guarantee you I wouldn't feel the same".

"Gee, glad I can trust you Doc" Ren laughed, "I thought you loved some chaos?". The look in Ren's eyes was wild, unhinged. I knew Ren well enough to know he was acting odd.

"There's a fine line between chaos and just pure evil" I raised an eyebrow.

"Fair enough" Ren rolled his eyes. I frowned at him, noticing the way the dog hybrid lashed his tail. That was usually a tell-tale sign that Ren was angry. I decided it was best not to point it out.

"I'm gonna go, I have better things to do" I leapt out of the tree, firing a rocket. Before the others could respond, I was already high in the air. I set my course for Xisuma's base.

I figured it might be a good idea to tell Xisuma about what I'd witnessed. Ren needed to be kept in check so he didn't do anything stupid. Pearl was acting blindly. She didn't know Ren the way I knew him, she didn't understand what made him tick or how he felt. I knew why Cleo was worried.

Xisuma's base came into view. I began to glide downwards, hoping Xisuma was home. I landed on the ground outside the entrance. Glancing quickly around, I made my way inside.

"Xisuma?" I called, "are you home?"

"Xisuma isn't here right now" a voice called back to me.

"Oh okay" I frowned, "I'll just come back later" I turned to leave when the voice called to me again.

"Wait, come closer" it said quietly.

"Why?" I laughed, "what even are you? I know Xisuma likes to collect weird things".

"Just come a bit closer..." it whispered. Curiosity was coursing through me. Ignoring everything that was telling me to leave, I walked closer.

"Good, now just a bit closer..."

I obeyed, peering into the darkness which the voice was coming from. The lights behind me flickered before going out. I turned back around just in time to see it.

And then everything went black.


<Grian> Has anyone seen Doc? I needed to ask him something

Elusion (HermitcraftxEmpiresAU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя