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I didn't trust anyone, nor did I care for anyone. I lied through my teeth to Pearl. I saw the way she hesitated at every word I said, how she tried to convince me otherwise. I didn't trust her as far as I could throw her. But alas she was too useful to simply be cast away. Besides, if she betrayed me I would simply take her mind.

"Are we ready?" I said nonchalantly as Fwip sidled up next to me. I adjusted the straps of my armour thoughtfully. I grabbed out a hair tie, pulling my long hair into a messy ponytail. Finally I adjusted the crown that rested on my head.

"Yes, we are ready when you are" Fwip nodded, "Xisuma has been protecting the server from us joining. In this moment of distraction we will break through and obtain a physical form".

"Isn't that a bit risky?" I raised my eyebrow, "what if you die?"

"We won't" they said firmly, "they are no match for us".

"Very well then" I sighed, "I will gather the others". I glanced around the clearing. Tango was flicking flint and steel at a pile of twigs, Pearl was studying some kind of frog, and Doc was sat under a tree in the shade. I frowned. Everyone seemed so disunited. This wasn't how it was meant to be.

"Knights, it is time" I called, "remember, we are not here to kill yet. I want you to attack the stragglers and weaken them. Target Xisuma, Grian and Etho if possible".

"Go for Bdubs" Tango hissed, "Etho will do anything for him".

"Smart" I inclined my head, "we aimed too low last time. This time we shall have as many people as possible".

"We are watching you" Fwip snarled, "betray us, and we'll make you regret it". He stared at Doc as he said it.

"Follow me" I jerked my head, "we will attack from the ground so they won't see us coming. Go for anyone and everyone".

The four people stood in front of me nodded. I spun around and pushed my way through the foliage into the forest. I pursed my lips with determination. This time I would not fail. I would not allow the knife in the back I knew was coming to penetrate. I refused to be weak. I wanted to be someone who was strong and respected, not the pathetic weakling I used to be.

I spotted a large group of people, all gathered at spawn. I blinked in surprise, it had to be the whole server. I smiled. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.

"Everyone is gathered at spawn" I hissed, "there's too few of us to make a direct attack. Wait until they begin to split up and go for the stragglers".

"Remember I am always watching" Fwip said, "don't try anything stupid".
Pearl, Doc and Tango all nodded.

"Rendog" I heard Aiqaz whisper in my mind, "even if they try to betray you, they can't. One of us is planted in all their minds, ready to take over if needed".

Excellent, I thought back, once we have more people, there's no chance of us losing".

"Come" I waved my hand, "let us go". I lashed my tail, crouching down. I made my way down to the water's edge, slowly submerging myself. As I swam I watched the gathered people closely. I would run a distraction long enough for Xisuma to not notice the Watchers breaking through the code wall. Once they were there the real fun could begin.

They had no idea what was coming.


"If no one has anything else to say, this meeting is over" Xisuma sighed, "remember to please stay near spawn".

Elusion (HermitcraftxEmpiresAU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang