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"Why did we let him get away?"

"What else were we to do? We can't kill him"

"Have we found which server he went to?"

"It looks like he somehow hacked into Hermitcraft"

"He did? How?"

"He destroyed the whitelist"

"If the whitelist is gone we can get in. What an idiot"

"If we join we must be careful. As powerful as we are we are severely outnumbered"

"I guess it's time we recontacted our old friend"

"We must be careful, with his memories tampered with he might not accept us"

"Not to worry, we'll take it slow. And if he refuses there is nothing stopping us from using force"

"Smart, would you like me to do it or would you prefer to?"

"I'll do it. We made a mistake last time. We let them have too much warning"

"Yes, and that was our downfall. We must be careful to not let Xelqua find us"

"He won't, we will be careful"

"Patience is virtue"


I wasn't sure what to think. Martyn was here? It was so strange.

Since returning to Hermitcraft I had busied myself by working on my megabase and trash shop, which was coming together accordingly. I nodded with satisfaction towards the shop in question which lay next to the river. With a sigh I leant against a tree, deep in thought.

Slowly I'd been getting used to being a Watcher. Learning to use my wings properly had been the hardest challenge. I was lucky to have Grian to help. I had also discovered I had magic. Real magic that I could use. However Grian had made me promise to never use it unless it was life or death.

I had stuck to that promise, mostly. I may have used it to clear out a party of mobs from under my base because I couldn't be bothered killing them by hand. What's the worst that could happen?

I was knocked out of my thoughts at the sound of a small whimper coming from within the forest. Turning curiously, I began to make my way towards the sound. As I got closer I realised someone was crying. Small sniffles and cries could be heard. I began to jog.

I almost ran past the person, they were so well hidden. Peeking under a bush I'd just passed I spied Ren hiding in the foliage. Ignoring any prejudice or anger I might have had towards him, I crouched down and crawled into the bush next to him.

"What's wrong Ren?" I pulled him into a hug. Ren let out a whine, his whole body shaking. His arms wrapped around me tightly, his nails slightly digging into my back.

"W-why d-do they h-hate me?" Ren cried, his ears flat against his head, "n-no one wants to t-talk to me".

Gee I wonder why, I thought dryly.

"Why do you think that?" I knew as much as my mind screamed at me to leave Ren alone, I knew it wasn't his fault. He was still my friend, no matter what he'd done.

"Everyone keeps i-ignoring me, or saying nasty things I don't understand" Ren said a bit more strongly, "why are they calling me a monster?".

"I'm sorry, I don't know" I lied, "if it helps I don't think you're a monster".

Elusion (HermitcraftxEmpiresAU)Where stories live. Discover now