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Where was I?

I gazed at my surroundings. I was in a void-like area, white stars falling all around me. As I looked closer I realised they weren't stars at all, they were really tiny bits of code. I watched them in fascination.

Frowning, I tried to remember what happened. Right. I'd turned to see a shadow looming over me, and then everything had gone black.

Looking around, I was beginning to figure out what had happened. The Watchers had caught me. Shit. All of a sudden I heard my name being called. Turning around I saw two figures running towards me. Looking closer, I recognised one as Fwip, the Emperor's admin. The other was... it couldn't be, he looked different...

Tango seemed to be missing half of his body. The rest was a glossy black, it created a somewhat creepy effect.

"Fwip? Tango?" I called back, "did you get caught too?"

I realised Tango wasn't running with Fwip at all, Fwip had his hand around the Hermit's wrist and was dragging him. Tango appeared to twitching and saying random things.

"Run, help, don't trust" he muttered, "unite us".

"We were in Tango's mind trying to figure out why Tango was in there" Fwip explained, "anyway the Watcher's were there. I held them off so Xisuma could escape".

"What's wrong with Tango?" I nodded to my friend.

"I think his mind has been split kind of" Fwip winced, "like half was in his own body and the other half was in Etho's mind for whatever reason".

"I thought Tango had been acting a bit strange, no wonder if he only had half his mind" my eyes widened, "how are we going to get them together again?"

"I don't know, I'd think if we just moved both the halves to his mindspace they'd fix themselves" Fwip sighed, "but admins can't do that, either Grian or another Watcher would have to do it".

"Is there any way we can contact the outside world while we're in... whatever this is?" I asked, "if we can send someone a message we could fix this".

"I don't think so. I think we're inside the Watcher's mind space" Fwip glanced around, "there's nothing we can do".

"Indeed, nothing you can do" Tango chorused, "we are trapped".

"Oh lovely" I said flatly, "that means were going to have to rely on the others to save us".

"I hope the Emperor's will listen to Xisuma" Fwip murmured, "if not... I don't see how we can win".

"We just have to have faith" I replied.

All we could do was hope and wait. I didn't want to admit it, but I was useless.


I glanced at Ren, a worried expression on my face. He'd taken me inside his Jack o' Lantern shop after fleeing from the meeting at spawn. It had been about a day since the incident and my mind was swirling with conflicted emotions. Should I stay? Should I go? Was Cleo right? I shook my head. I had to believe Ren had good in him. I must have faith.

"Ren are you okay?" Ren flinched, his eyes coming back into focus.

"Of course" he smiled, "just thinking".

"Good" I smiled back, "I know that was quite stressful".

"Yeah" Ren replied distantly, his eyes unfocusing again. I frowned, Ren did that a lot. I wondered if he was really okay.

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