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Why was Bdubs here? I glanced up as Ren and Bdubs entered the clearing. Ren had not stated why he left, only that it was important. Without him there, it was eerily quiet. Those under the control of the Watchers did nothing but stand there in a sentry-like position.

"I have returned" Ren announced. The Watchers suddenly materialised out of the ground to appear next to him.

"What is this?" Aiqaz hissed, "Is he a hostage?"

"Indeed" Ren nodded, "we will use him to lure Etho in so you may take his mind once again".

"Etho won't give himself for me" Bdubs spat, "he knows it's not worth it".

"Oh I think he will" Ren grinned, "I see how much he cares for you. He'd leap into a pool of lava if you asked him to". Bdubs said nothing, glaring furiously at the man who had captured him. I watched him sympathetically.

"Hmm," I glanced to my right to see Doc, also watching with a cold expression on his face. I sighed and turned back to Ren. I noticed he was beckoning me over. Making my way over carefully, I smiled nervously.

"You wanted me?" I said.

"Are you ready to prove your loyalty?" Ren said seriously, waving a hand at Bdubs.

"Of course" I tilted my head with confusion, "what would you like me to do?"

"I would much prefer we did it," Aiqaz said saltily.

"Hush now, this is an excellent chance for Pearl to prove herself to us" Ren waved his hand in dismissal, "Pearlescentmoon, I want you to take his mind". I couldn't tell who was more shocked, me or Bdubs. Take his mind? Could I do that? Should I do that? My mind was chaos, struggling with whether this was right or wrong.

"I don't know how" I managed to say, "doesn't he need to say yes before I can do that?"

"Only when the person is uninjured and mentally strong enough" Ren shook his head, "otherwise you can take them easily enough". I looked into Bdubs eyes. I could tell he was wondering what I was going to do. I wasn't even sure of that myself.

"Pearl, don't do it" Bdubs murmured.

"Go on" Ren elbowed me roughly, "do you want to hit him or shall I do it?" I could begin to see that there was no way out of this. Either I obeyed Ren, harmed Bdubs and took his mind, or I ran away and betrayed him. Neither of those options seemed appealing.

"Well?" Ren nudged me again, "Why the hesitation?"

"Oh- nothing" I said quickly, "I just don't know how to do it".

"It's done like this" Reijo snarled, grabbing my wrists. I jumped at the sudden uncomfortable contact. The Watcher's skin was strangely smooth, like silk. But they were also cold and filled me with an uneasy sensation.

"You take those pretty hands of yours, use your magic and strike him" Reijo hissed, "then simply place your hand on his face and you will know what to do".

"But I don't want to harm anyone-" I quickly clamped my mouth shut, glancing at Ren. His gaze was hard, watching me thoughtfully.

"You don't get a choice" they laughed, "either you do it yourself or I will make you do it".

"Calm down, ╎⋮𝙹" Aiqaz murmured, "give her a chance to compose herself. She is weak and unwilling".

"Ren..." I met his eyes, feeling conflicted, "do I have to?"

"Do it" Ren said coldly, "you trust me right?"

"Pearl don't listen to his mind games" Bdubs spat, "he did the same thing to me. Don't fall for it".
I gazed vaguely over, barely hearing what he said. Ren had given me a command, and I had to listen.

Elusion (HermitcraftxEmpiresAU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें