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"They hate you, they'll never accept you for who you are, unlike us" Aiqaz cooed mournfully, "we know you're strong, better than they'll ever be. You're fit to rule".

"Am I?" I muttered, so quielty that no one could hear me, "it ended horribly, what if I die again?"

"You will not die. For the moment respawn is on, so need not worry" Aiqaz replied, "soon, we will be able to obtain a solid form in your server and the reckoning will unleash".

I wasn't sure where my mind lay. As a matter of fact, I felt like I was losing it. I'd expected guilt to hit me, but it just hadn't. I'd even been helping the Watcher's, giving them inside information and ways they could get in. I knew I was a traitor, but who was I to care?

I stared around at all the people assembled. Every single Hermit and Emperor was standing at spawn, listening to Xisuma. I had Pearl standing next me, occasionally shooting me worried glances. I smiled back when she did. I felt I could trust Pearl. The Watchers had told me to lean into her, become a closer friend to her.

I'd noticed my doing so had caused a rift between her and many others, especially Cleo. The two's argument had been... brutal to say the least. Cleo irritated me. Normally I could charm my way out of any situation but she seemed entirely unaffected by my charisma. That made her dangerous.
I suddenly caught Martyn's gaze.

I gave a low growl. I wasn't sure how I felt about Martyn. The person I thought I could rely on most had lied to me, betrayed me. Yet I knew I owed Martyn my life. It was confusing.

"You owe him nothing" Aiqaz retorted, "we could have just as easily resurrected you".

I knew that was probably true. Aiqaz hadn't lied to me yet. Martyn gave me a slightly hurt, puzzled look. I looked away. I didn't want to deal with him yet.

"Ren? Are you okay?" Pearl nudged me, "we're leaving". I shook my head, my mind coming back into focus. I looked around and realised everyone had started to disperse.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking" I replied nonchalantly.

Suddenly I was roughly shoved by a woman wearing a purple dress. The woman had long, dark hair. I recognised her as the person who'd dragged Shelby out of the battlefield. I didn't know her name, I hadn't been acquainted with most of the Emperors other than in battle.

"Watch it" I advised her, trying to remain polite.

"Oh shut up" she shot back, "you don't scare me".

"Really? Is that right?" I raised an eyebrow. I felt my hackles raising, irritation coursing through me.

"You're just a frail half-breed trying to play king to hide the fact he's sore that dear old Watchers didn't help him when he was dying" she said slyly, "I have no reason to fear you".

That hit me like a brick. Never before had I felt such fury. Half-breed? Frail? I felt a growl build in my throat.

"She insulted you. Show her you don't take kindly to insults".

"Shut up" unable to control my anger, I swiped at her with a hand. My long, claw-like nails dug deep in her face, ruining her perfect skin. She let out a grunt of pain and stumbled back.

"Apologise" I snarled at her.

"Never" she spat. The woman raised her fist and swung at me. I dodged, avoiding a punch to the face. In return I swung back at her, hitting her squarely in the gut. The woman let out a gasp of pain, stumbling back.

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