Thinking about it made me feel incredibly guilty. I would tell Leah everything and she would as well. Since my move, we facetimed almost everyday, we talked about everything that had happened so far. She even asked me about Alexia a couple of times but each time I would just ignore the question.

It's not that I didn't want her to know or anything, I just wanna tell her in person and not through a screen but when would I see her again?

"I get that. Speaking of Leah. What about our fellow athletes?' Alexia finished eating as well and placed down her cutlery.

"We don't have to share anything but we don't have to hide it either if that makes sense?" I asked.

"Let them find out on their own?" She voiced out my thoughts probably better than I did.

"Yeah, kind of." I shrugged.

"I like that." Alexia said, going along with the idea. 

"That leaves us to the fans. They're already speculating about our friendship." I looked at Alexia and she nodded along indicating that she had seen it as well.

"If you don't mind, I like to keep it between us for a bit." She said it like she was scared of my reaction but to be honest I was relieved she wanted to keep it private. 

"I absolutely don't mind. I agree. Let's explore us a bit more before we come clean to the world." I grabbed her hand once again in mine and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Good. Now that's all discussed, how about a toast?" She grabbed her glass in her free hand and held it out to me.

"To us?" I asked and held out my glass to her as well.

"To us." She smiled while we clinked our glasses together.

Even though we were done eating, neither one of us made a move to call it a night and go home. Instead we were engrossed into deep conversation, laughing and joking around, sharing a kiss or two.

"Which moment in your career are you most proud of?" I asked the older Spaniard who didn't even have to think about her answer.

"Winning the league for the first time or playing the champions league final. Even though we lost, which really sucked, I'm very proud we have gotten that far." The proud smile on her face was hard to miss and she had every right too.

"You should be proud of yourself. Not a lot of people can say they did that." I told her with a loving smile.

"Yeah, I guess. What about you?" She redirected the question to me.

"Oh that's a hard one. I would go with making my debut for Arsenal together with Leah?" I said, not really sure about my answer but it would probably be one of the top ones in my list.

"You would pick that above winning the world cup?" She asked surprised.

"I guess. Don't get me wrong, winning the world cup is one of the highlights of my career but making my debut with Leah will always be something special to me."

"What would you like to win most in your career?" It was Alexia's turn again to ask a question. It became a habit of ours.

"Olympic gold or champions league. That's why I came here. I wanna win the champions league and I believe that this team has all the potential to do that." I said without hesitation.

"You really believe that?" Alexia wondered with a loving smile on her lips.

"Yes. We just need to grow and believe it ourselves." I told her all confidently. I really believed that one day we could win it.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora