Chapter 13 : Phone

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30 minutes later..

Sarah was back to her maid uniform . But her eyes was lifeless. She get out from the Master room and walking slowly .

While she was walking , she met Lily by coincidence. Lily , who was walking with Elenoir , they both shocked looking Sarah's appearance.

Sarah's maid was a bit messed up . Her hair was mess . Her eyes were puffy . Her lips was dry .

Elenoir looking at her worriedly . Same goes to Lily . They're both walking towards Sarah . Sarah was smiling a bit , and suddenly she lost her balance and her eyes was shut closed . Lily and Elenoir run towards Sarah . Fortunately,  they nailed to hold Sarah . But , Sarah's was way too weak to stabling herself .

Elenoir looking at Lily .

" We better bring her to her room quickly . " Elenoir said .

Lily nodded . And they quickly send Sarah to her room back .

After that..

Sarah was still uncouncious . Lily looked at her ,worriedly .

" I hope that she'll be alright.." Lily said.  The guilt weighing her . She knew was off , but she couldn't do anything.

Elenoir looked at Sarah , then looking at Lily .She patting her shoulder .

" I hope so too.We should get outside . Maybe she's too tired.." Elenoir said.

Lily just nodded agreedly.

Next morning..

Sarah was wake up . But her body was still in pain . Her back was hurt . She still gaining her strength.  Thankfully , Lily checking up on her . Lily opened the door slowly , nat wanting to disturb Sarah . She saw Sarah , who already wake up and just sitting in her bed .

" Sarah , are you okay?" Lily asked worriedly .

"..I-Ugh..I-I'm fine.." Sarah responded.

"Are you sure?Last night , when me and Miss Elenoir walking together.  We saw you , but looked a..a bit messed up..And suddenly , you passed out..But thanks that time , me and Miss Elenoir was there . So we both carried you to your room. " Lily explained.

"..I ..see" Sarah said , she still felt dizzy and she was about to passed out for second again.

Lily quickly held her tightly. Sarah was breathing heavily .

" You know..I have to get back to work..If anything happens..Umm..Oh yeah! Let me go checking out if there's a spare phone!" Lily said.  She rushed to the door and went out , leaving the door opened.

A few minutes later..

"Huff..Huff..I'm back.." Lily said in her exhaustion.

"Are you okay?You don't have to run like that.." Sarah said worriedly .

"It fine..I'm being energetic today . Oh yeah!Here!" Lily said while presents hand.

Sarah looked at Lily's hand. She was holding the handphone.Sarah was confused yet curious.

"W-What is this?" Sarah asked .

Lily was a bit shocked.

"Wait ..You don't know?" Lily asked in surprise.

Sarah was just  shook her head .

" Oh..This is actually a handphone!You can call , messaging , playing video games , and more! " Lily explained excitedly.

"Oh..I see..How to use it?" Sarah asked.

After showing Sarah how to use it..

"Sooo...How?Do you like it?" Lily asked .

"I think..I start to have interest on it.." Sarah said , she smiled a bit .

Lily was chuckling.

"Hehe..I knew it!You can have it actually.Miss Elenoir told to me to give to you.She said , if anything happen , just dialed her number or my number.Oh!I forgot ! I should give you my number and Miss Elenoir number!" Lily said.

Sarah just chuckling softly .

After that..

"Alright, done!" Lily said.

"Thank you , Lily." Sarah said.

"Hey.You should thaking to Miss Elenoir , she was worried about you much-" Lily slipped as she quickly closed her mouth.

"H-Huh?She what?!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Oh shit..I fucked up.." Lily thoughts.

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