Chapter 3 : Before the tragic pt3

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" Please ... Give me a few months.." Her father said .

" WHAT?HEY OLD MAN , GIVE YOU ANOTHER MONTHS ? DON'T FUCKIN' DREAMIN'!!" As that one guys said , and beating her dad .

"S..S..Stop!!" Sarah yelled .

" Well , well . Look what we got here. "

Sarah looked at those shadowing man . His eyes was like ice , his didn't give any expression as he was emotionless .

" Hey you , old hag . How long had you not paid yet ? 3 months ? "
That guy said . His voice was so deep , he looked at Sarah's father coldly as he was like trying to control himself  not to kill or beat anyone .

" Please..Just give me another months .. I promised I'll pay..."Her father exclaimed .

That guy gritted his teeth .

" Tsk "

He pointed a gun to Sarah who stood to blocking her mother and her lil'brother .

Her father couldn't taking it anymore . He tried to run to that guy .


Sarah watched the scene with horror . She fell to her knees . She crawled up to that guy , begged him not to kill her family . That guy looking at her , coldly . He kneeling on front of her , forcefully grabbed her cheek and said :

" If you can't pay with money , then pay it up with your body , you stupid bitch . "

Sarah was shocked , her eyes was wided .

Her mother looking at her daughter . Tears start to running down her cheek , her hand was shaking .

" Sarah..." Her mother called her.

Sarah was kept her head down . She clenching her fist .

"...I will pay your debt my body . " She exclaimed .

Her mother looked at her daughter with wided eyes .

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