I Rhaenyra

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King's Landing – 111 AC



So much pain.

Then nothing.

"All of your dragons will be returned to you, even the one that was lost. But choose better this time. A prince you need."

I woke up with a startle, gasping for air like a dying woman.

However, as my hands went to my chest I realized I was no longer a woman.

I froze, holding still, before rapidly throwing the blankets off my body and rushing towards my mirror. There, being reflected was none other than a four and ten namedays girl.


"What in the name of the fourteen has just happened?" I muttered in shock. The last thing I recall was being a full-grown woman, dying by my half-brother's dragon as my son watched. "This must be work of the Valyrian Gods. It must have been their voice the one I heard. 'All of your dragons will be returned to you, even the one that was lost.'" I repeated, trying hard to remember. "I've only ever had one dragon, so that must mean my children. As we are Targaryens, we are dragons made human. The one that was lost... Visenya," I choked up in emotion. My little girl won't be taken from me by the machinations of the Greens.

"'But choose better this time. A prince you need.' What could they mean by this? I already chose a prince, my uncle... does that mean I need to choose another one? Aegon?" I shuddered at the thought. No! I will never take that kinslayer monster as my husband. "The Gods would have not sent me that back intime if it was Aegon... they did that to stop him from being born. Which means my mother needs to live so that Highwhore won't sleep her way to my muña's crown," I growled, still hurt by my suppossed friend's betreyal. "The only way to stop muña's death is by stopping kepa from forcing her to get pregant. That can only be achieved by giving kepa a male heir and the war can only be stopped by making sure kepa never names me his heir..." I sobbed in frustration, punching the mirror. I stared into my violet eyes, so full of hatred... and tiredness. I was exhausted and I cannot fight the whole realm one more time for a crown I never truly wanted... I do not want to. "I need to marry a prince and give kepa a male heir, that's the only way. Which is why they sent me to my four and ten namedays body, I've already flowered and I know I won't have my muña's difficulties in childbearing. If anything my pregnancies and childbirths were easy, popping male heir after another. The only exception being my Visenya..." a lone tear rolled down my cheek, still hurt by the loss of my sweet daughter. I've always wanted a daught, ironic when my kepa always wanted a son.

"I can do this. I will be a better muña this time, I will focus on raising my children and making sure they are ready for what's ahead of them. Baela and Rhaena will be a great wives for my oldest two, soothing the Velaryon's hurt. I have Arryn blood running through me and I can give my cousing the Lady of the Vale something she could never have, not with her preferencies... an heir. The future of three of my kids secured. Claiming the Stepstones and doing it right this time, will secure the future of another of my kids. Those islands being the perfect place for a branch house of House Targaryen and will surely by aid us in booming our trade with Essos and Dorne... Dorne! That's it! Qoran Martell, Prince of Dorne! If I marry him I will finally drag the region into our kingdom. With Dorne and the Vale backing my kids no one will be stupid enough to try anything against them. Putting the stipulation that someone with the Martell blood has to inherit the throne for Dorne to join us will do the trick." A smile full with hope started to spread through my face.

"I can really do this," my whisper was equal parts disbelief as it was hope. "I can even get the backing of the Stormlands by bethroding one of my princes to one of Borros' Four Storms. Maris will do nicely, she is my Joffrey's age and much smarter than the rest of her sisters." I straightened up, my determination being reflected by the mirror in front of me. Not even bothering with wiping the tears away, they will work nicely for what I have to do next. "Now all I need to do is put on a good show."  

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