Volume 7 Chapter 3: Ace operatives

Start from the beginning

Harriet lands nearby with a slight bounce, tucking and rolling. Marrow lands on his boomerang, rides it across the snow and leaps off of it, causing it to fly through the air and then return to him. The boomerang shifts into rifle mode when he catches it as he looks up at the next Manta hangs over them.

The next four jump out of the ship as they each use their own unique way of landing. Jackson swipes his hand as a thundercloud forms under him as he soars through the air quickly reaching the ground. Zeke freefalls calmly with his back facing the ground as he stretched before he was able to touch the ground, flipping in the air then quickly lands. Reina follows as she shifts her feet as two holes start to ignite as they turn into small rocket boosters, drawing her swords as she sticks the landing. As the three make contact with the ground, Hercule makes a heavy landing behind them as he stands tall in his Sun form holding Rhitta in his hand.

 As the three make contact with the ground, Hercule makes a heavy landing behind them as he stands tall in his Sun form holding Rhitta in his hand

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Team JNPR's Manta soars overhead toward the mountain. Inside the ship, Elm and Vine look at JNPR and prepare to jump.

Elm: This is my favorite part!

Vine steps out of the ship, while Elm leaps backwards. Ren and Pyrrha hops out, followed by a laughing Nora. Jaune takes a deep breath, gets a small running start and leaps out. He dives for a moment, then deploys his shield while activating its new Hard-Light Dust upgrade. The shield begins acting as a hang glider, with the sudden slow in momentum causing Jaune to yelp. He then drifts over to the cliff, before turning his shield downward and using another Dust upgrade to create an outward burst that cushions his landing. Standing alongside the rest of his team, Jaune draws his sword.

Elm: Ha ha! Perhaps you kids won't get yourselves killed after all!

Elm enters a tunnel, while Jaune looks disappointed and Nora pouts.

Vine: She meant that as a compliment.

Qrow and Clover slide down a sheer icy incline, landing on a cliff just outside of a tunnel opening. Clover activates a communication device in his ear while Qrow brushes off his new outfit.

Clover: This is Alpha squad. LZ's clear. Proceeding on foot.

Suddenly a crash is heard as Timothy steps out of the mountain with rocky skin, using his abilities as Mercury ended up crashing into the snow as his new legs had smoke flowing out of two exhaust pipes in the calves. Both of them are in new outfits as well.

 Both of them are in new outfits as well

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