Volume 3 Chapter 10: Battle of Beacon

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(Play Opening)

After the opening, the scene shows the fairgrounds in chaos as civilians run away from the hordes of Grimm. Atlesian Knight-200s are seen firing at the dark creatures, and a vendor hides behind his booth when a group of Ursai run past. Several Nevermores fly across the sky, one holding Roy Stallion in it's talons. Blake and Weiss are then shown watching in horror of everything going on around them.

Civilians continue to flee as Grimm continue to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground starts to dissipate

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Civilians continue to flee as Grimm continue to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground starts to dissipate.

Weiss: I don't believe this...

Blake pulls out her Scroll to call Yang.

Blake: Yang, are you okay?

Cut to Yang running in the hallways of the dorms with Zwei. Yang responds to Blake through her Scroll.

 Yang responds to Blake through her Scroll

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Yang: I'm fine. Is Ruby and Hercule with you? Their not answering their Scrolls.

Blake: No, she isn't.

At those words, Yang stops in her tracks with a worried expression on her face.

Blake: Yang, I'm sure they're fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself. And Hercule has enough skills to handle himself.

Yang closes her eyes and curls her fist into a ball.

Yang: Right.

Yang continues forward with Zwei and turns the next corner of the hallways. Cut back to Blake and Weiss at the fairgrounds.

Weiss: This can't be happening. Zeke...

Yang: I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake: The White Fang is here!?

Through her Scroll, Blake hears the sounds of Grimm growling, and her expression grows ever more worried.

Blake: Yang!

Yang: Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!

Weiss: Blake, what are we going to do?

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