Volume 3 Chapter 13: Time heals all wounds

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(Play Opening)

The opening ends as the scene opens up with Vale general hospital as Hercule is sitting down outside on a nearby bench with his head down. He waits as someone walks up to him, causing him to lift his head to look up at the person revealing it to be General Ironwood who appeared to be very happy to see Hercule.

 He waits as someone walks up to him, causing him to lift his head to look up at the person revealing it to be General Ironwood who appeared to be very happy to see Hercule

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Hercule stands up to address the General.

Hercule: Hello General Ironwood, sir.

Ironwood: Please Mr Nikos, after what happened you don't need to be so formal. I would like to be the first to thank you for what you did.

He grabbed Hercule's hand and shook it as he continues to smile at the young Huntsmen.

Hercule: T-thank me? General, I don't understand.

Ironwood: Hercule, you and your team managed to figure out what was happening right from under our noses.
Everyone is greatful for you, how's your sister?

Hercule: She's got out of surgery alright, they're just going through some tests before they allow visitors. Also, I'm sorry about the CCT tower. I'm sure everyone is in a panic.

Ironwood: Actually, after a few minor repairs from Goodwitch, the tower's back up and operational.

This fact surprised Hercule as he could've sworn it fell to the ground when he saw it while in the locker.

Hercule: But how? I saw it fall, how did it survive without any major damage?

Ironwood: That's what had us stuck. When Glynda found it she said that there was no real damage to the transmitter, it was as if the ground wasn't the first thing it hit. Whatever happened, it managed to keep us from being completely in the dark.

Hercule: Well that's good... General, how's Reina?

Ironwood's happy face quickly shifts to a sorrowful one as he fills the leader in about his teammate.

Ironwood: Miss Helen's situation is very hard to say. From the doctor's report, she suffered the injury from a Beowolf leaving three deep cuts along her back, one of which was deep enough to cause some damage to her spine. That and due to the blood loss, she's currently in intensive care back in Atlas. It's too soon to say when she'll wake up, or if she'll ever be able to walk again. I'm sorry.

Hercule put a hand up to his face and was visibly saddened by the news, Ironwood placed a hand on his shoulder as he speaks again.

Ironwood: You and all the students fought very admirably, for your services I will do everything in my power to help your teammate.

Hercule takes a moment before giving a nod and a smile to the General. Soon the doors of Pyrrha's room opens as the doctor and nurse walk out holding their equipment.

Hercule: Doctor, how is she?

Doctor: Well from what I've seen, the arrow that pierced her ankle caused some nerve damage. It may take a few months before she's ready to walk but with her aura helping with the healing process, I'd say she's guaranteed to make a full recovery.

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