Escapey wapey

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Rae's POV:
The next day I was I'm the cafeteria when i saw Thomas spring up from his seat and charge over to the gaurds. When he tried to walk out they pushed him back and he done the same. Newt, fry, and some others came rushing for him. They pulled him away and got sent to their rooms.

I walked back to mine. I layed down for a bit thinking about the others and wondering where they could be in the building I couldn't wait to see chuck or Gally. I thought thay maybe they got hurt and got sent to the med wings for testing.
I decided to go over there and see for myself. I grabbed my boots nd slipped then on. I was about to walk out to see them but suddenly I heard a crash from beneath on of the beds. I jumped onto my hands and knees and saw Thomas.


At this point I didn't care that it was Tommy I just had to see Newt. (yes I still call him Tommy, ik he cheated but he's still a cutie.)

"But what about chuck and Gally." I asked.

"Please I'll tell you later but we need to go their coming."

"Okay shuck it!" I said as he spun around and led the way.

I followed behind him trying to keep up at a normal pace. I've been in the vents before and I know where we are going.

Once we got to where he was going he kicked the vent door out and jumped down. I followed him the swung it back up.
We heard screams coming from a room and Tommy quickly burst in there.
"RAY!" Newt said as he gave me a tight hug.
"Hey!" I replied
I rembered where we were and I moved some of the curtains aside to see no one just plain empty beds.
"Who are you looking for?" Teresa asked.
I rolled my eyes but just responded with "Chuck? Alby? Zart? Ben? GALLY!?" I said getting annoyed when no one answered.

"I'm so so sorry Ray, but..." Fry started saying but he didn't need to finish his sentence I already knew what happened.

"What!?" I said. I felt tears in my eyes and my whole body starting to shut down.
I wanted to slap some sense into the slintheads and make them say they where joking but they weren't.
"COME ON WE NEED TO GO!" Thomas screamed as he grabbed a stool.
He banged it on some glass that led to another room.
"Newt help help!" he screamed
Newt walked over and they shattered the glass in one hit.
"Come on love." Newt said as picked me up by the waist and passed me to Minho who just plopped me on the floor.
(It seems like something he would do!)

I picked up a gun for protection and for something else later. I walked out the door and saw a gaurd standing right there I hesitated for a moment but them aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger shooting him right it the stomach. Surprisingly it didn't shoot a bullet it shot a kind of Electric bullet thing.

"COME ON LETS GO!!!" Fry screamed as he ran and we all followed.

__ time skip bc I'm a lazy ass mf

"COME ON THOMAS!" I shouted as he slipped the key card but nothing worked.
"Shuck sake you dummies try mine!" I said as I passed him my key card but it still didn't work.

"It's not gonna work Ray!" I heard rat man scream from the other side of the corridor.
"Please Ray come back to me (baby come back, sorry anyways back to the story, hehe I done it again)
I can help you get over Alby, Chuck and Gally." My jaw clenched when he said my brothers name.

I tighted my grip on the gun. Everyone was ready to grab the gun out my hand and hold me back but I just simply turned around and passed Newt the gun. I walked over to rat man with arms in the air.
"What no, no NO! RAY PLEASE!" I heard Newt scream from behind me.
I lifted up the back of my shirt to show a gun and two knifes to him and I could just tell Minho was smirking and shaking his head at me.

I got to the middle of the hallway when I stared speaking and my anger built up.
"You can't help me get over my brother's death he's gone and you can't do nothing about it. You put me in that Maze and you let me remember him for a reason and now he's gone. The only people I have now are the people behind me and I will do anything to keep it that way and not lose any of them." "Well except Teresa." I muttered under my breath hoping everyone still heard it.

" I can help you Ray I can make you better you want him back I can make him come back I can make Gally come back-"

I grabbed the gun that was tucked into my cargos and belt and pointed it ar him and cut of his sentence by screaming, "YOU SAY ANYONES NAME LIKE THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOOT YOUR BRAINS ALL OVER YOU GAURD AND THE WALLS!"

"Ray please calm down, have you taken your pills today?" he asked.


"Have you eaten today?" he asked calmly


"You won't shoot me." He said as he walked closer.

"Oh really!?" I shot a bullet right above his head and he ducked as his gaurds ran closer to him.

"You won't survive out there, if the element dont kill you the cranks will." He said with a slight smirk on his face.
"Just come back and we'll forget all about this, remeber-"

"Yeah let me guess wicked is good?" I said.

"Hey guys!" I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Cya Janson!" I said as I stared shooting at him but his gaurds protected him.
I was out of bullets so I tucked my gun back into my belt and threw my knife at him.
"COME ON RAY!" I heard screams behind me. I stated running for the door but Janson quickly said "Shut the main vault door."
The door stared closing and I sprinted towards it. I quickly slid under it before it closed and hopped up. Jansone started banning on the glass.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He said but I sounded muffled.
I stuck my middle finger up at him and quickly grabbed another gun and some bullets for my gun that I still had in my waist band.
We started running to the large exit doors and I twisted the leaver and the door stared opening.

We all ran out side and once we got up one of the sand dunes we saw bikes and gaurds all spreading out from the doors looking for us. Luckily it was dark outside so they couldn't see us very well.
"Keep down, keep down." Thomas said as weren't over and carried on walking trying to dodge the flashlights.

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerWhere stories live. Discover now