Fertiliser *wink wink*

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I groan and open my eyes barely, attempting to swing my arm over, it's stuck. I look next to me and Newts still holding me,tight. My brain finally realising what's happening and scream quietly violently attempting to shove him off but failing as I fall off the bed and hit my butt on the floor and groan out in pain.
"You okay?" I heard him ask still sounding sleepy.
"Yep I'm just great."

__After breakfast

After breakfast I had to start working about with the jobs fist I had to try out slicer but just by as soon as they gave the description and showed me the work area I ran to the wood to throw up.
After they decided I didn't need to try out for slicers because I would probably throw up everywhere.
They decided to make ne go for easier jobs like a track hoe first.
Of course I had to be with Newt. I still kind of hated him but I had to go along with it.
"Come on, just atleast get along for a bit?" Zart asked as he stared at me and Newt who kept on giving eatchother glares and staying atlease a meter apart.
"Nope!" I said sternly.
"Whatever then, you can go get fertiliser with Thomas."
"Okay sure, where is he?"
"Just there talking to Chuck."
"Okay." before walking away I gave Newt on more glare and then walked over to Thomas with a shovel and a small-ish bucket.
"Hey Thomas, Zart said you need to show me where the fertiliser is?"
"o-oh- y-yeah." he said as he stared at me. To be honest he was kinda cute.
"Come on then." He said standing up and walking towards the forest after saying goodbye to chuck.
"Hey so how are you finding the glade?"
"It's okay I guess."
"Yeah but don't worry you'll get used to it."
"Fire ahead." he said as he pushed some branches out the way for both if us to pass through.
"Is Newt always such a idiot?" I asked
"Not all the time, but he was just trying to protect you."

"From what?"
"Probably those boys." he said as he leaned against a tree and pointed at the fertiliser. I started scooping up some of the fertiliser and putting it in the bucket.
"Why are you trusted with me then?" I asked flirting a bit.
"Oh beacuse I am way better than any of them losers." he said jokingly
"Oh really?" I said as I stood up to face him.
"Oh yeah, to be honest they call me second In command not Newt."
"Sure sure." I said as I turned around to walk back. I felt Thomas grab my waist to spin me back around. He just looked me in my eyes for a minute before cupping my cheeks with his hands and pulling me into a kiss. I hesitated for a minuet but quickly kissed back.
After we both pulled away. We just looked eachother in the eyes again and we both started laughing.
"Rae? Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Uhmm." i hesitated again for a secind but answered "I mean yes of course."
"Omg great, come on let's go back to the others." He said before looking down at my hand and guiding us back to the glade.
"What took you two so bloody long." Newt asked at me and Thomas just looked at each other and smirked.
"Just hurry up and get back to work."
"Okay okay!" I said throwing my hands up in sarcasm.
Me and Thomas walked back to our stations when I heard Newt and Zart talking.
"Someone's a jealous Newtie."
"Oh shut up Zart."
"Never." Zart replied with a little laugh.
I just decidened to ignore it and got back to work.

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang