Oh no

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Newts POV::

I heard a thud behind Thomas amd realised he had just hurt Rae. HOW THE FUCK COULD HE HURT HER! I started punching him and hkicking him and suddenly he got off me and crawled over to Rae who was laying on the floor unconsious with a bloody nose.
"WHAT THE SHUCK HAVE YOU DONE!?" I screamed at him.
"I-i-i- I didn't mean to she just got in my way."
"FROM WHAT TRYING TO BEAT ME UP, YOUR GOING INTO THE PIT NOW!" I said before I picked up Rae's lifeless body and walled Thomas over to the pits.
"Shuck, don't worry we got her Newt." They said as the looked at Rae unresponsive body and took her out off my arms.
I pushed Thomas into the pit and locked it up.
I walked over to the Medjacks hut to chuck up on her and saw them treating her.
"How is she?, what happened?" I asked.
"She got knocked out, but she'll do okay don't worry."
"Okay good that." I said as I sat down next to her bed and held her hand.
"I thought you two hated eachother." Clint asked looking at us confused.
I quickly let go of her hand realising what I was doing.
"Oh uhm yeah yeah we do we HATE eachother like really HATE eachother."
"Well that not what we saw." Minho said as he walked in with Gally behind him, both of them smirking.
"SHUT UP!" I said to them as I gave them a 'you say anything I'll kill ya' look.
"Okay calm down Newtie whootie." Minho and Gally both said nearly in sink.


About an hour later she still hadn't woke up and I was starting to get worried.
"Come Newt, let's go get some dinner." Munho said as he walked into the hut and stood leaning against the door.
"Okay fine, but I'm coming straight back here and Thomas is not coming anywhere near her or me."
"Okay yeah yeah fine."
We both walked out of the medjack hut and went to get some dinner.
"You don't look to good." Minho said as we both sat down.
"Yeha but ill be okay, I'm more worried about Rae."
"Don't worry she'll be okay." He said as he stuffed his face with food.
"Yeah I hope so." I said a bit unsure.
"Hey guys." I heard Rae say being
"Yeah calm down Newt, I'm fine."
I looked her up and down to see if she was okay and I saw some blood on her sleeve.
"What happened?" I said pointing at her sleeve.
"Shit!" I heard her mutter under her breath.
"Nothing don't worry about it." She said as she hid her sleeve behind her back.
"I'm gonna go get changed, I'll see ya in a bit."
"Wait no have some food first." I said concerned about her.
"No I need to get changed."
"Rae!, sit down and eat." Minho screamed at her.
"NO!" She screamed before running off.
"What wrong wit-" Before I could even ask Minho what happened he was already up from the table amd chasing Rae. I soon got up to follow them.
"What's going on Rae, please speak to me!?" I heard Minho ask from the other side of the door.

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerWhere stories live. Discover now