Gally x

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"Hey, loser, move up." Gally said as he nuged my shoulder. "Come stop that already!" I said frustrated as he carried on poking me.
"No!" he said as I turned around and he was poking his Tonge out at me.
*Btw we are 5 or 6 in this vision*
"Kids stop arguing!" My mum screams from the front seat.
"Okay!?" me and Gally both said with a sigh.
"Want to watch a movie!?" He asked as he turned to face me holding up a ipad with a blue case.
"Yeah sure!" I said excitedly as he pit on the movie.
"Keep it quiet back there." our mother said again as we giggled at a funny part if the movie.
"Sorry mummy." we both say in sync.
"It's okay, do you want some food," she asked.
"I'm okay." Gally said but I heard my stomach growling underneath me.
"Yes please." I said as I held my stomach with one hand and reached out for the fruit bar my mum was holding out like a middle aged dad when you rustle a bag of food it the back seat.
"I can't reach!" I said huffing a bit
"Here you go." my mum said as she took her eyes off the road for one second as she handed me the bar.
"HUNNY WATCH OUT!" My Dad screamed from the passenger seat.
I sat up as strait as I could and saw a white truck coming right for us at full speed. I screamed, worried about what could happen.
My mum quickly turned round and swerve the car out of the trucks way but the truck also swerved and we collided into eachother. The truck hit the side if our car just on our mother side and I nearly glung out of my seat.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I woke up screaming, and breathing heavily. My chest rose rapidly and unevenly.
"WHOA WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OKAY!" The two boys Clint and Jeff asked as the ran into the room with Gally, Newt and Minho following behind them.I quickly looked around the room and saw u was in the Medjacks hut I quickly responded with a, "I'm sorry I just had a really bad but realistic dream." I tried to focus on my breathing and tried to steady it.
"What was it about?" Gally asked as he kneeled down next to the bed I was laying on with his forearm laying on it as he rubbed his chin looking me in my eyes.

"Uhmmm I saw me and you in a car, we looked about 5 or 6 and we were messing about and then I woke up." I said, I know I probably shouldn't lie to them but still.
"What, why were you and me together?" he asked with a confues look on his face.
"brother and sisters?" Minho asked looking at me and him.
"Yeah they do kinda look like it." Clint said as he inspected both of our faces.
"Yeeeaaahhhhh." Newt said as he looked away and just rolled his eyes.
was he still seriously mad at me ffs

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerWhere stories live. Discover now