Beat this bitch up xoox

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I ran over to Teresa and pulled her hair until she was screaming and flapping her arms about. "WHAT THE FUCK RAE WHA-!" Thomas got cut off
"Thomas just come here and watch this!" Alby said invested in our fight.
"You wanna go bitch?"
I backed my hand into a fist and punched her round the face making her nearly fall over. "Come on I'm not done yet you little pussy!" I screamed
She instantly got up and tried to punch me but i dodged it. I slapped her round the face a kneed her stomach. Blood started coming out if her mouth and she stood there holding her stomach.
"Exactly that's what I thought." I said I turned round to walk away from her.
"Well atlest your boyfriend likes me better than you, you barley even show any chest or ass."
I finally had enough and just tornado kicked her right in the face she fell right over and Thomas rushed to her side.
"Go give a blow job then oh wait you already have you slag."
Walking away in victory, Minho,Gally and surprisingly Newt as well, back to my hut I hear the echoes of repeated cheers and clapping.
"Nice on sis." Gally said as he looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
"You okay?" Minho asked
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Newt screamed as he walked in the hut.
"Minho, Gally give a second."
"Okay sure but don't try kill him and take his machete this time."
"Yeah yeah." I said as I slammed the door in their faces.

"So you won?" Newt said as he looked ne up and down.
"Well done my love."
My cheeks turned a rosy red at the name since no one has ever said that to me before, not even Thomas.
"Can I ask you a favour?"
"Fire ahead."
"Could you possibly you know help me make Thomas jealous."
"Uhmm ofcourse, he's already jealous of me anyway."

I groaned in pain as I held my side,blood appearing on my hands.
Newt stared at me,confused and also concerned.
"are you alright love?"
I shake my head as he makes his way towards me,leaning down and gently placing his lips on my wound,butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I taste blood on my lips.
He lifts his head looking at my lips frowning slightly and standing up to pull me close and kissed my lips gently,licking the blood away gently.
I Minho and Gally standing in the doorway flabbergasted.
"I-i-i-its not what it looks like I swear, I had a cut!" I said to them.
"Sure sure sure, is that what you kids call it these days now huh?" Minho said to us giving us a smirk.
"No so basically I ju-"
"Just save it Rae it's fine." Gally said giving us a smile.
"See ya later love birds."
"Come here love." Newt said as he put his index finger on the bottom of my chin and gently spun my head back round to face him. "You okay?"
"Yeah i dont know its just all way to weird you know, but are you okay?."
"Yeah dont worry about it love."
After a few moments of silence he pulled me closer and I just looked into his beautiful autumn brown eyes.
Fuck sake he's so cute.
Even though I hated him I cupped his cheeks and gave him a passionate kiss.
He was hesitant for asecomd but then instantly kiss me back and cupped my cheeks.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" I heard a familar voice shout.
We both quickly pulled away and backed up a bit with shock. We both looked at each other than a Thomas a few times before Thomas pounced onto Newt and started beating him up.
"THOMAS GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM!?" I screamed as I tried to pull him off Newt.
"NO!" he screamed back as he elbow me in the face with all his strength. I fell back from the impact and soon blackness covered my eyes...

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن