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It's been a week or so and me and Thomas have become really close. I finally got my job as a Runner. I feel really connected to it and really happy when I run. I was running back to the glade when I didn't see Thomas waiting at the doors I just tan straight to the map room to track my run.
After a while I finished mapping and walked out to find Thomas.
"Hey do you know where Thomas is?" I asked Alby.
"Yeah he's up the tower with the greenie."
"Oh alright thanks Alby."
"No problem."
I walked over to the tower and saw Thomas legs dangling off the edge and also the greenies.
"Hey Thomas where wer-." I got cut off before even finishing my sentence.
"Now right now Rae!" he said back.
"Oh okay well talk lat-."
"Yeah sure, whatever." I heard a feminine voice say.
"Did we get another gi-"
"Sorry." I said as I felt all the eyes of Glade on me.
I just needed to clear my head. I was about to walk away from the tower wjen I heard a voice call my name.
"Rae where are you going."
"Oh I'm going away to 'SHUT UP FOR 5 MINUTES' Okay!"
"Whatever." Thomas said.
I quickly checked the time on my watch before. Shuck sake not enough time for even a 10 minute walk no matter a run.
I just walked to my hut and decided to just go to sleep.


"Hey Rae?, You okay?" I heard Minho ask he was probably one of my closest freinds and Gally ofcourse.
"I didn't see you at dinner, come on you need to eat."
"Come in." I said wanting to ignore the awkward door to door conversation.
"I brought you some food, come on eat up." Minho said giving me a slight smile. Minho, Gally and Thomas where probably the only one that knew about my eating disorder.
"It's okay to only have a tiny but but you do need to eat okay." he said sitting down on the bed next to me and wrapping a arm around my shoulders and running my arm.
"I know but, why was Thomas so mad at me today, I didn't even do anything!?"
"Probably helping out the new girl, she only remembers him."
"Oh okay ofcourse, I'm probably just overthinking it." I said letting out a little chuckle.
"I hope, cone on atleast eat a bit?"
"Fine!" i said giving in and eating a half of the sandwich fry made for me and having a bit of the bacon.
"Well done!" Minho said giving me a hug.
He always knew how to cheer me up.
"Come on then." He said stading up and holding out an arm for me.
"Do you want to go to the bonfire?" he asked.
"Uhmm sure but do we have to go near him?"
"No but that means we're gonna either be with him or Newt?"
"Oh for shucks sake Minho, why cab we just sit with my brother?"
"Beacuse he's a bore and will probably be fighting everyone in the ring."
"True, okay then let's go."
"Good that then." He said as I stood up and we linked arms making jokes on the way to try liten the mood.


"I thought you went on a run?" Thomas asked as he walked over to me and Minho.
I just shook my head.
"Silent treatment, really?"
I just simply nodded.
"Why?" he asked putting a hand on my hand.
I just shook his hand off and put up 5 fingers and fake a zip on my mouth.
"Oh okay so we're playing that game now?, okay then fine. See ya tomorrow!"
I just waved bye and watched Gally fight another Glader.
"I'm gonna go grab another drink." I said seeing mine was empty.
"Okayyy." Minho said as he kept his eyes fixated on Thomas and the new girl called Teresa.
I got up and grabbed another moonshine but noticed Newt sitting on his own and felt a bit bad. I decided to sit with him for a bit and maybe talk and try get along.
I sat down and there was a but of an awkward silence.
"Rember to not drink to much moonshine this time!?" He said seeing me down my drink.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I wanted to try get along for once."
"HAHA that's funny!?"
"Alrighty then be alone." I said as I got up and walked back to the table full of drinks.
It was either dink till I drop or run till I get mulled by greivers. Both if them sound horrible so I chose the safer-ish option.
"Calm down sunshine." Minho said before grabbing one of my many drinks.
"Actually it's moonshine dingbat." I said and rolled my eyes at him.
"No I mea- oohhh okay." he said finally getting it.
"Hey." I heard a feminine voice say before sitting down next to me.
"I'm sorry about earlier I just remembered Thomas a bit from before whatever this 'place' is and I really needed to talk to him." she said as she got up again.
"It's okay I guess."
"Oh yeah one more thing." she said before leaning down next to my ear, "he's mine so back off."
"See ya later." she said to me and Minho before winking at him and blowing a kiss.
"Ugh I wanna smash a greiver stinger round her mother shucking head!"
"Why?" Minhinsaid now looking a bit concerned and ready to hold me back if she pisses me off.
"What happened tell me, don't kill her!" he said getting up from his seat and crouching infront of me to block my view of her and Thomas.
I didn't respond and just walked to the woods.
"GALLY NOW!" Minho screamed
"SHIT!" Gally screamed as he probably saw me storm off.
I had to do something. I had to get my anger out. I walked over to my anger tree and started punching it and kicking it until I felt my knuckles bleeding and my feet go numb.
"Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" Gally asked as he half crouched down next to me.
"NOTHING!" I screamed.
No matter what I did she just stayed there in my mind. She was just standing there. I could easily sprint back to the Bonfire and just pick her and chuck her in the fire but I wasn't going to let her get the best of me.
I stood staring at the wall for a minute or two and that's when Gally or Minho clocked that I'm about to kill this bitch.
"Whats going on?" I heard that same high annoying, agitating, ear pricing voice say. I crouched down next to Gally not daring to face and just whispered, "Get this skank out of here right now before I grab your knife and take her of the earth."
"Okay come on Teresa just give a second." Minho said before trying to shoo her away but that stubborn butch wouldn't move.
"Bye then Rae, I'll just keep your 'boyfriend' company for you."
"what did she say!?"
"Rae don-,"

Her and always her xx -Newt × readerWhere stories live. Discover now