Twenty Four

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📍25th September 2021 - Sochi, Russia

Amber opened her laptop as she continued to work through her many emails and work related queries which had poured in over the last few weeks. As third practice was cancelled due to the weather, Amber had time to cram in some writing, finally able to have some alone time to schedule her delayed work.

Her manager, Thomas, was extremely lenient with Amber's flexibility to turn work into him, but he did have some deadlines which needed to be met, whether she was travelling the world or not.

As she cradled a mug of tea in her hands and rested her glasses onto the bridge of her nose, she waited on webcam for her manager to join their planned Skype call to discuss criteria required of Amber for her next project. The sleeves of her jumper lay around her hands as she struggled to find any sort of warmth in Russia.

The raindrops bounced off the window next to her as she looked at the view from their hotel room, hoping and praying that all drivers returned safely to their beds tonight. She had felt a small amount of relief when Daniel text to let her know third practice had been cancelled due to the stormy conditions, but her heart wasn't settled just yet as qualifying was still being reported to go ahead.

Quickly texting Daniel whilst she waited for Thomas, she wished him a safe session and hoped he'd gain a secure grid position for tomorrow's race, which she would definitely be in attendance for.

"Hello stranger." Thomas finally answered as he cleaned his glasses with the edge of his shirt before placing them onto his face. "Feels like forever since we saw you."

"It's been a long couple of months." Amber smiled as she sipped on her warm beverage before setting it down beside her laptop. "I can't complain. I've seen some beautiful parts of the world."

"We are all very jealous of you." Thomas exaggerated his statement. "Leading a glamorous lifestyle now, aren't you?"

"I'm still the same girl who left London in July." Amber clarified, not wanting anyone to think she'd changed due to her change in circumstances.

"I heard about your stint in hospital. Are you alright now?" Amber never did tell Thomas what had happened to cause her to move away from her situated lifestyle in London and she didn't want too.

"I'm good. No need to worry about me." Amber smiled again as she tried to convince her manager. "Now, what I do need to worry about is the deadline for this next project you have given to me."

"Come on, Ambs." Thomas said. "You've written much longer and more complex pieces than this, in a much shorter timeframe."

Thomas had assigned Amber to write a whole story book for children aged between two and five, outlining specific characters he had thought to be good ideas for the piece. Amber loved the idea, she just hated the fact that she had so little time to do it.

As they conversed about her requirements, Amber made notes as she went, writing down every initial criteria to enable to tick off what she had covered; leaving no stones unturned.

"There's something else, Ambs." Thomas said as he closed his book next to his computer and crossed his arms. "I have an offer."

"What kind of offer?" Amber tilted her head and placed her pen down before reaching for the mug of tea which had now cooled down enough to drink comfortably.

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