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Trigger Warning - Violence
📍29th August 2021 - Spa, Belgium

After their baby sitting duties back in London, Daniel took his niece and nephew out for his final day with them. Unfortunately for him, Amber couldn't attend as she had another reading due that day and she didn't want to bore poor Isabella and Isaac with her stories again.

Amber couldn't shake the all encompassing feelings she had for Daniel. She thought she was strong enough to fight against them, just like how she did when she left Monaco, but it was all a lie. She was kidding herself.

Because of this reason, she decided not to attend Silverstone, even though Francesca pestered her right up until the race had started. After this, the McLaren drivers had been preoccupied with making their way to Hungary.

Again, Amber was invited, as she usually was when it came to race weekends and she did contemplate going as she not only missed Daniel, but she also missed her friend. She hadn't seen Francesca for a few weeks and she was starting to miss female company.

But her plans swiftly changed on the evening before she was meant to leave, packing her bags whilst listening to her record collection; something she now did often since Daniel's last visit.

📍28th July 2021 - London, UK

Amber swayed her hips to the time of the music she had playing in her apartment as the sun finally shined on London. Her serotonin levels were tremendously increased as her mood was elevated. She felt uplifted and free.

With her windows open ajar to let the breeze blow through, the sun was beginning to turn a hazy orange, red hew as the sky turned into dusk. Amber threw her last garment into her suitcase as she secured it shut and let out a breath of excitement. Tomorrow she would be back where she needed to be. With Daniel.

The pair had been texting since they last saw each other and this time things felt more easy and more natural than before. They decided not to hide from anyone this time, telling their friends as soon as they were given opportunity to do so. Francesca was overcome with excitement for her friend and her new found love for being open and honest.

A knock from the front door echoed down the small corridor from the living space into Amber's bedroom as she shuffled out and jogged to the door. She wasn't expecting anyone so just thought it could be another parcel being delivered.

"I've come for my things." A familiar voice leaned up against the wooden doorframe to the apartment. His sleeves of tattoos poking out from underneath his cotton t-shirt as his fists gripped together and jaw clenched.

It wasn't today where Amber was expecting to see her ex-boyfriend at the door of her apartment, and if she was honest, she was never expecting to see him again.

"Sure, come in." Amber said as she opened the door wider for Liam to take a step inside, running over to the record player for it to stop.

"Still listening to that depressing shit then?" Liam chuckled underneath his breath and place his hands into each of his jean pockets. The tone in his voice wasn't coming from a fun or joking place; he sounded spiteful and rude.

Amber bit down on her lip and fidgeted her fingers together as she looked over at him. He hasn't changed much since she last saw him. There were a few new tattoos etched across his exposed leg and some showing just below where his shorts had ended.

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