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📍15th February 2021 - London, UK

"I can't believe that you haven't spoken to Liam yet." Francesca said as she straightened out her outfit for the evening. "Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?"

"I've spoken with him, Fran. Just not in person." Amber said as she placed another layer of mascara onto her eyelashes, trying hard to not smudge the black makeup across her eyelids in the process.

Today was the car reveal for McLaren's 2021 season. Francesca and Amber had decided to get ready together in Amber's apartment, where they'd then head to Woking and stay in a hotel nearby.

McLaren were hosting an after party once the car reveal had taken place and travelling back to London after partying for a few hours wouldn't seem feasible.

As Daniel had formally invited Amber as his guest, the company had assigned one hotel room for the couple, but Daniel didn't want to broach this subject yet. Amber had presumed she would be staying in Francesca's room and so did she.

"So, you've told him that you aren't together anymore?" Francesca asked as she pushed her breasts up into her top so they sat nicely, neatly in view but not too over the top.

"I've told him that I'm stepping back from the relationship. That I don't need to be treated like second best anymore, that I deserve better." Amber said as she brushed her hair out, stroking out any curls which she believed to be too defined, creating a softer look to her hair.

"This all so confusing." Francesca groaned as placed the palm of her hand across her face. "Is he still your boyfriend?"

"I don't know." Amber admitted as she shrugged. "I'd rather end it completely in person. He knows we are kind of on a break."

"Kind of?" Francesca said with wide eyes. "Babe, you're either on a break or together. This ain't some Ross and Rachel shit."

Amber laughed loudly at Francesca's Friends reference as they continued to get ready, singing along to their favourite songs as they perfected their outfits.

"Are you excited to see Daniel again?" Francesca asked with a slight smirk to her voice. "I spoke to Lando earlier and he said that Daniel's gone out to buy some new clothes, just for this evening."

"It's his first car launch with McLaren, Fran. I highly doubt he's gone to get a new outfit specifically to impress me." Amber said mater of factly, but deep down her stomach whirred with the endless possibilities of what could happen tonight. "What if something did happen tonight?"

"With Daniel?" Francesca asked as she tilted her head with Amber nodding in response. "Do you want something to happen with Daniel?"

"I don't know. He doesn't want to resume anything with me if I'm still with Liam..." Amber's voice trailed off as Francesca placed her hand onto her hip.

"Babe, why are you still hanging onto Liam? You know he treats you like shit, why are you sticking around? I'm sure you've seen more of Daniel since you've met him then you've ever spent with Liam in your entire relationship."

Francesca was right.

Daniel had made more time for Amber, more time and more effort than Liam had ever made. Amber didn't know why she couldn't let go of her failed relationship just yet, but she knew she couldn't for much longer.

Sparks - Daniel RicciardoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat