Twenty One

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📍12th September 2021 - Monza, Italy

Saying goodbye to Amber's grandparents was never easy for her. They were the two members of her family who she treasured the most. The ones who had supported her, no matter what, through every stage of her life, giving her a little bit of normality during times in her home life which seemed messy and toxic.

She was overjoyed at the fact that Daniel had become part of the furniture during their time in Como, growing awfully close with both grandparents himself. He spent one on one time with Aurelio during their stay and truly valued his company during their brief encounter.

"Ricorda quello che ti ho detto, non dimenticarti dell'anello!" "Remember what I told you, don't forget about the ring!" Aurelio informed Daniel when they were leaving for Monza. Amber's grandfather had spent some extra time during their stay to ensure Daniel had brushed up on his Italian lessons.

Daniel grinned from ear to ear as he shook his head in disbelief, not quite thinking straight about the sentimental item of jewellery he had in his luggage. Not for once considering the huge implications that ring would have on Amber if she found out. They weren't even official yet and he had something to propose with.

Not that he had originally planned it, but he had been forced to accept it, nonetheless.

After touching down in Monza and spending the first two days in the garage, Amber accompanied Francesca wherever she was required, often taking small amounts of time to accompany Michael and Blake whilst they watched Daniel practice.

Things were going quite well for the Australian as his hopes remained high, especially when it came to race day where Daniel would be starting fifth on the grid with Lando just above in fourth.

As the lights went out, Daniel bombed around Max in the first chicane, inching for victory in the first corner. The McLaren garage roared in cheers and applause at Daniel's first move of the race as Amber clapped her hands together and held them over her mouth as her eyes widened.

Not long into the race, a massive incident occurred for Max and Lewis, colliding with each other as Verstappen's car launched into the air and fell on top of Hamilton's, inches away from causing potential major damage to the British driver. The world looked on in fear for both drivers, but thankfully, nobody was hurt.

Amber couldn't focus on anything else other than the driver she had grown to like during her time with him. She crossed her fingers by either side of her waist as she watched on, headset pressed tightly to her ears to focus on the race. The 'AC' etched on each ear was the final touch Daniel had demanded from McLaren so Amber had her own personal set.

During lap 31, Norris finally made his move on Leclerc, weaving his way into second place to accompany his teammate in the top ranks, making a small collision in doing so. The garage held their breath as Lando worked around the outside of Charles but cheered in complete and utter relief when he successfully made it.

"Fucking hell!" Francesca said as she let out a sigh of relief amongst the celebrations in the papaya garage. She looked across at her friend and placed her arm around her shoulders, providing a small squeeze to Amber to reassure her.

Amber's body had tensed up during the race, unable to ease her tight muscles as she mentally prayed.

"He's doing it, Fran." Amber whispered as Francesca nodded, looking over the monitors in beaming pride at the two drivers. "He's really doing it."

The final lap had arrived as the men in orange overalls bounded for the track, climbing up the fencing and shaking their hands down towards the cars that sped on by. A manly choir of cheers could be heard for miles as Daniel took pole position with Lando following closely in second place.

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