We Have To Get Off This Planet

Start from the beginning

    "Hulk trains." I agreed with a small smile and nod. Hulk smiled at me and he walked towards Val.

    "Great. Have fun." Thor said fakely.

    "Hey, big guy!" Val greeted him as he crossed the threshold to his room.

    "Angry girl." Hulk said happily.

    "What have you been up too?"


I heard Val cackle as their voices began to only echo up the hall as they left.

    "Thor, you look troubled." I mentioned softly.

    "Banner's here." Thor said.

    "Yes, I saw Hulk." I chuckled.

    "You know the last time I saw him was two years ago?" Thor mentioned. "When we defended Earth from the evil robots. I had called for you, but you were unable to come help. That's when. We literally thought he was dead, but he's been here this whole time."

    "How did he get here?" I questioned him with a slight frown.

    "The Quinjet. Y/n, it could be our ticket home. But even if we were to make it to it. I know not how we would." Thor sighed as he pointed out the window. I turned to look and I gasped softly seeing the Quinjet on the grounds outside.

    "We can do it, Thor. We can. I just wish we had a connection to someone, anyone off of Sakaar. They could figure out how to get us off the planet and back home." I explained. I raised my hand into the air clicking the sides of my ring. "See, I still get no signal off my transponder."

    "Actually, there might be another way." Thor gasped suddenly getting an idea.

He grabbed my hand and we stood by the window.

    "Close your eyes and see as I do." Thor mentioned lowly. I did as I was told and closed my eyes. "Heimdall, I know you can see us. I need you to help us. Help us see."

My eyes flipped open and they were a beautiful shade of gold. Thor and I looked around seeing that we were in the old halls of Asgard. Old columns and just down the hall, stood Heimdall. He looked so much different without all of his Asgardian armor on. He had the Bifrost sword and his long dreadlocked hair hung freely with no helmet. His face bearded and he wore an old cloak and clothes.

    "I see the both of you, but you're far away." Heimdall said.

    "What's going on here?" Thor asked concerned.

    "Come see for yourselves." He replied.

Heimdall led the way for us, before allowing Thor and I to take the lead.

    "Congratulations, princess." Heimdall mentioned as he gestured towards my bump.

    "Oh, thank you." I said softly. "Heimdall, what's happening?" I asked as we walked through a crowd of terrified Asgardian citizens. I gasped seeing the dark looming clouds surrounding Asgard out just beyond us.

    "I'm providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the Garrison falls, our only escape is Bifrost."

    "You're talking about evacuating Asgard." Thor frowned.

A creature snarled nearby in the halls. Thor, Heimdall and I squeezed ourselves against the walls to stay hidden amongst the villagers. Large guards, wearing all black walked by, large horned helmets on their heads and swords in hand.

    "We won't last long if we stay." Heimdall whispered. "She draws her power from Asgard and she grows stronger everyday."

    "How long's it been?" I asked quickly.

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