Start from the beginning

"Come on! Come on! Go, go, go, go!" Azalea said as she pulled Eli out of the shop, grabbing Scott's hand while Allison shot at them again, making them duck down. Right as they got up to Scott's car, an arrow embedded into the tire, making Azalea grab Eli's arm.

"Oh! Ah, come on! Come on, let's go!" Scott said, pulling them off in another direction, "I know you don't remember everything, but if you stop trying to kill us for half a second, I could help you remember!" Azalea called out as she and Scott pulled Eli past the jeep, ducking behind another car.

"Hey. We're gonna have to run. I need you to heal." Azalea said, looking at Eli, "You know I can't. I can't heal. I can't transform. I can't do any of it." Eli said. "Well, you're gonna learn right now." Scott said and Eli furrowed his brows, "How?" He asked. "Like this." Scott said before letting out a roar, making Eli's eyes glow a bright yellow and a cut on his face started to heal.

He pressed his hand against his healed cheek in shock as he glanced at Azalea who smiled proudly. "Yellow eyes suits you." She said before grabbed Eli's arm and the three of them quickly got up and ran through an opening in the fence.

Scott, Azalea and Eli ran through the forest, "Come on! Don't stop! She's right behind us." Scott said, Azalea making sure Eli was in front of her at all times in case Allison shot an arrow.

They got to a small creek before Scott stopped and grabbed Eli and Azalea, pulling them down. "Listen, you're gonna have to keep going without us." Scott said, making Eli look at him, "What?" She asked. "I have to try to get through to her." Azalea said and Eli looked at her crazy, "She's trying to get an arrow through you." He said.

Scott looked at the cut on his hand that started getting a black color to it. "What is that?" Eli asked, looking at the cut, "Wolfsbane. She coated the arrowheads in wolfsbane." Scott said. "Azalea and my dad told me you guys almost had to cut my dad's arm off once because of wolfsbane poisoning." Eli said as Azalea nodded, "We were going to." She said.

"You need to run. We're not far from the road. We'll keep her busy." Scott said and Eli shook his head, "I can't. Okay? I can't do it without you." Eli said. "Hey, you're gonna be alright. Okay? Remember, you just learned how to heal." Scott said and Eli shook his head again, "You did that for me." He said.

"I gave you a push. And if Allison has any chance of remembering who she is, she's gonna need the same push. Find your dad. I think we're gonna need his help." Scott said and Eli nodded, "Yeah, okay." He said and Azalea smiled at him and gently squeezed his shoulder before he got up and ran off.

Scott and Azalea looked at each other for a moment before nodding slightly, getting up and quickly running in the opposite direction.


Scott and Azalea ran through the woods, Allison following them. "Allison, for fucks sake just stop for one minute!" Azalea said as Allison loaded another arrow before aiming at them. Azalea moved Scott out of the way a bit, making the arrow hit a tree.

"Go." Azalea said, pushing Scott to run more before he tripped over a log. Azalea quickly crouched down next to him, grabbing his arm to pull him up before suddenly throwing her hand out, making an arrow, that was about to hit them, fly off to the side.

Allison dropped her bow as Azalea pulled Scott up slightly, "We want to talk." Scott said, looking over at Allison. Allison didn't say anything, just pulled out two Chinese ring daggers, spinning them around her fingers, making Azalea roll her eyes. "I swear to every god out there that if she stabs another boyfriend of mine with those damn daggers again..." Azalea muttered, "Husband." Scott corrected her, making her shoot him a look as Allison kept walking towards them.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➢ ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄ ʟᴀʜᴇʏ / ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟ Where stories live. Discover now