Vacation Arc: Chapter 4: Not the Best

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In the afternoon of the next day, we each got dressed into the clothes that Ikaruga brought us. The girls all had dresses which I hadn't seen yet, and Ikaruga had brought me a dark red suit with black lines going down it, she said that it went well with my red shoes. Something like that really made me smile. Of course, since I'm the only guy, I changed in the bathroom while they changed in the main room. I really didn't mind at all, it made the most sense. I was finished changing when someone quietly entered the bathroom. It was Katsuragi, "K...Katsu-" She cut me off. "Keep your voice down, I need to talk to you." She explained.

I calmed down, it was only then that I saw the dress she was in, it was a bright blue dress that stopped at her knees, I couldn't tell though if the amount of cleavage she was showing was the dress itself or some adjustment she made, but I didn't need to be thinking about that. "Izuku tell me, how do you feel about Asuka?" She asked. I was a bit surprised, "Oh." "What?" "Nothing, I just wasn't expecting that." I told her. "What were you expecting a love confession, or me trying to find out your fetish?" She teased. "I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't the second one, and I don't have a fetish we have been over this." I reminded her. She giggled, "I know but it's still fun to mess with you, so back to the question at hand. How do you feel about Asuka?"

I thought for a moment, "Well, I mean I like her, she's a great person both as a shinobi and as a friend, she honestly is doing a good job as the leader in my opinion." I told her honestly. "Is there anything else, I mean do you like her, romantically?" She rephrased it. "Romantically?" I was a bit thrown off by it. "Would you say that you have feelings for her, feelings of love maybe?" She specified. I leaned on the sink and honestly thought about it. "I'm not really sure, I've never really gotten feelings for someone like that before, but I have noticed that when ever I'm alone with her my heart starts beating a lot faster but, I don't feel nervous, its like being around her is both the most exciting and calming thing for me, and I know its different from when you tease me Katsuragi." I explained.

She smiled and jumped in the air, "Yes I was right you do like her back!" She was excited beyond belief. "Katsuragi, I thought we had to keep our voices down." I reminded her. She stopped and pulled me in for a hug, "I'm so happy for you two, she likes you back Izuku, Asuka was gonna confess to you yesterday morning, she told me herself." "W...What?" I was surprised. "Listen though, don't tell her I said something, what happened here stays between you and me, but I want you to try and make your move tonight at the party, it may not be a big one but a party at night is still a great time to confess to someone, I'm also gonna be pushing her to tell you tonight as well so please don't get cold feet okay?" She asked. I gave her a nod, "Okay, I'll try." I told her, she was about to leave the room, "Katsuragi," I called out to her. She turned to look at me and I gave her a hug, "Thank you for trusting me with that, I promise I'll make Asuka happy." I assured her.

When she pulled away her cheeks had turned a slight hue of pink but at the time, I hadn't thought anything of it. "Hey, it's no problem, I just want my friends to be happy after all." She replied before leaving the bathroom. I waited a bit before exiting, I was thinking about what I would say to Asuka, and all the while just thinking about her, she's the only one that knows about One for All, she knows about my past, she knows about my regrets, I've shared just about everything with her, she had even told me about her own past, her fear of frogs despite them being her guardian, her want to do good on her Grandfathers name, and even the things she was worried about. I could safely say I knew Asuka better than anybody else on the team. She was even kind enough to help me train the One to All ability, she even came up with that name for it. The number of times I had even kissed her to train it made my heart race a bit. I'll do it, tonight I'm gonna tell Asuka how I feel.

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