Shinovi Versus Arc: Chapter 9: Super Duper Masochism

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Izuku's eyes opened, he wasn't in the Lava floor anymore, he seemed to be in a level that resembled an amusement park, though how far up or down he was, was completely unknown. Did someone move me? Right, Yoichi did say that someone was protecting me, I wonder where they are. Izuku turned his head to look around and found someone right in front of his face, looking at him with a seemingly innocent smile. "Oh good you're awake, Ryona was beginning to worry you were a dead body, good that you aren't." She spoke, her voice was very kind and cute, much like Hibari's but not as childish. "T...Thank you." Izuku spoke. "You're welcome, do you think you could do Ryona a favor?" She asked. "Um, sure, are you Ryona then?" He asked. She gave a nod and stood up before giving a twirl and posing with her butt sticking out.

                        "Yep, Ryona is my name, and I'm from Hebijo!" She introduced herself

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"Yep, Ryona is my name, and I'm from Hebijo!" She introduced herself. Hebijo? There's a team from Hebijo here? Izuku questioned himself. "So about that favor," She spoke getting back in his face, startling him a bit. She pressed her breasts together before him to show them off, "I saw you fighting that girl earlier, can you hit Ryona real good like that?" She begged. Izuku froze in confusion, "Uh... Like, in a fight, right?" He asked. She smiled at him, "In a fight, right?" He asked again. "Nope, Ryona doesn't like fighting all that much, but Ryona loves pain, hit me hard over and over again, give me that good pain!" She explained with a moan mixed into her voice. Izuku slowly stood and started to back away from her.

She stayed close to him, "Please!" She begged. "Absolutely not!" He replied. "I'm not hitting you, I don't want to hit someone that isn't trying to fight, and I'd rather avoid a fight with you!" He explained. "Please, Ryona wants to feel that pain you gave the other girl!" She continued to beg, pressing herself against Izuku. He grabbed her shoulders and kept her at arm's length, "No and that's final, what happened with Ui was an accident, that power you saw was something I have no control over!" He explained. She looked disheartened, "Aww, Ryona really wanted to feel that pain." She spoke with a pout. Izuku, somehow, felt bad, She did protect me until I woke up, but I can't just punch her for no reason. He thought to himself, "H...How about this, I can't bring myself to hit you, instead I will spank you hard, once!" He offered trying to keep his composure. Ryona's face lit up, "Yay!" She cheered.

She got down on all fours and put her face to the ground with her butt in the air, giving it a shake, Izuku receiving a full view of it, he found himself caught in a bit of a trance, "Good ahead, give Ryona a good spank!" She begged. Izuku stepped over to her and took a deep breath, he drew his arm back and swung it around with all his, unpowered, strength and slapped her rear. The slap echoed through the area and Ryona let out a satisfied moan, "AAAHHH, that was so good!" She yelled. "G...Glad you like it, now please get up, I agreed to give you one and only one." He spoke unable to look at her. She got up and wrapped her arms around him. "Ooh thank you, what's your name by the way?" "I...Izuku Mi...Midoriya." He answered. "Ryona has Ryobi as her master, but could you also be my master?" She asked. "No." He spoke immediately.

Just as he said that he looked up and saw that a bright yellow ring was heading right for them. Izuku thought fast and grabbed Ryona before leaping backwards with her. "We're under attack!" He warned her. She let go of him and looked in the direction he was, there stood five girls wearing somewhat matching outfits. "You know, I enjoy making people happy," Tamaki spoke, "But you two need to do that somewhere else, that's just shameless." She finished with a big blush on her face. "Wait what?" Izuku questioned. Kagari spoke up, "What she means is, something like that isn't good to do in public, even if we are in a closed space, there are still other people around, its good that you two love each other but, with displays like that, people may get the wrong idea."

Izuku's eyes went dead, "Excuse me?" He questioned. He looked at Ryona for a moment and saw her confused too. He looked back at them and shook his head, "First of all, I just met her, and second, I already have someone, and that's the Granddaughter of Hanzo, Asuka!" He spoke, flaunting Asuka's title. They all looked shocked, "If you already have a girlfriend then why are doing things like that with another woman!" Tamaki demanded, "Because I owed her! Oh god that sounded worse than I thought." He replied. "R...Ryona, I think they're here for a fight, do you think you could help me out here, I'll pay you back later for it, okay?" He requested. Ryona smiled, "Can Ryona get more spankings?" She asked. Izuku hesitated but gave a nod, knowing it was the only thing that he was willing to do to her, "S...Sure, lets just get this over with."

He shot forth Blackwhip and launched forward as Ryona followed close behind seeming to skate on ice that formed as she moved. Yugiri stepped forth and extended her staff to strike him. Izuku grabbed it and used it to launch farther to kick at her head. She barely dodged it, and he was stuck there for a moment. Kagari tried to strike him, but he thought fast and used his Delaware Smash to blast himself forward. Ryona charged in and jumped hitting Kagari in the chin with her knee before twirling around and landing a round house kick on her sending her away. She then turned and sprayed bullets down on them using her pistols.

Izuku quickly came back firing off Delaware smashes, Josui used her ribbon to block them. That ribbon must be completely under her control, that could be a problem. He thought and aimed directly at her, she twirled her ribbon to be ready for anything, instead of an air blast he fired off black whip to grab the ribbon, "Ryona now!" He called to her, wo broke away from the other two and flipped in with an axe kick to Josui's head knocking her out. He didn't stop and tore past her towards the remaining three, Tamaki twirled her hoop around and fired off rings of energy, Izuku extend black whip again and used it to swing around the amusement park.

Mai went chasing after him and the two landed together on a spinning merry-go-round, she had a microphone with a stand as her weapon, but it was quickly revealed to be a hidden katana, she used the sword and sheath in conjunction to battle him. Izuku did his best to dodge the attacks, he used two kicks to detach one of the horses and swung it like a bat to attack her, she tried to bloc it but was sent flying off the merry-go-round. Izuku leaped after her and attempted to use a drop kick to finish her, but she rolled out of the way in time before going for a downward slash, Izuku clapped his hands on the sword threw her to the side before running in with a kick to the sword and a punch to her gut knocking her out.

Ryona twirled and spun around, easily handling the two shinobi idols, Tamaki and Yugiri twirled their weapons around before trying to strike her, Ryona ducked under Yugiri's staff and leaped through Tamaki's hoop before channeling her power, "Ninja Art!" She yelled before jumping high in the air, she flipped upside down and spun around rapidly and rained down bullets on the two girls, "Beautiful Blue Gunslinger!" She called out, Tamaki and Yugiri couldn't get out of the way in time and took the hailing bullets. Ryona landed on the ground and kept spinning generating ice from the ground which froze the two in place thus eliminating them.

Izuku witnessed that, "Wow, she's really strong, it looks like she barely broke a sweat." Ryona walked over to one of them and picked up their scroll, "Aw, Hebijo already has one of these." She spoke before prancing over to Izuku, "Izuku here, do you need this one?" She asked him. It was a mind scroll, "Oh yeah, we don't have that one, are you sure I can have it?" He asked to confirm, She gave a nod, "For more spankings." She offered. Just as Izuku was about to speak, they heard Present Mic's voice boom through the tower, "And the first team has passed, only nine spots left!" Izuku grabbed the scroll from her, "How about later when this event is over, I promise okay?" He spoke clapping his hands together pleading. "Okay, I'll be waiting!" She agreed and the two split off, Izuku heading upwards and Ryona going down to find their teams.

Just hang on you guys, I'll be there soon!

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