Hanzo Arc: Chapter 4: Smile

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"Asuka, what happened to him?" Katsu-nee asked. "Well, yesterday Ikaruga and I found him shopping and then he ran into this guy, I think he called him Kacchan, after that he ran and when we found him he was in this state." I explained. All five of us were worried about him. Me and Ikaruga especially since we were with him when it happened. In an instance we saw Hibari run across the room and flop down next to him. "Hey Izuku, you wanna go outside and play, come on we could test out our speed or even spar a bit?" She suggested while trying to pull him along. He wouldn't budge though. Hibari looked defeated and backed off.

We all kept trying to think of what we could do to help. Katsu-nee looked really deep in thought. "Do you have an idea?" I asked her. "I have one, if this doesn't work than nothing will." She spoke. "I'll need your help for it Asuka." I nodded my head, "Okay, let's do it." I spoke as she smiled. The two of us stepped in front of Izuku, he didn't seem to notice us. "Alright Asuka, close your eyes real quick." I did as she said and closed my eyes. "Just bear with this for a moment." She said and the next thing I knew I felt something familiar that shocked me, "K...Katsu-nee what are you doing?" I opened my eyes and saw that she had grabbed Izuku's hand and guided it to my breast. "Come on Izuku, doesn't that just feel soft, like the world's fluffiest pillow, like a warm ball of dough right in the palm of your hand." She spoke going on about it, I couldn't take it for much longer until Ikaruga came to the rescue. "Katsuragi that's enough, it's not even working." She was right, Izuku wasn't even reacting to it, he just kept staring off to nowhere.

In a puff of smoke Kiriya-sensei appeared in the ninja room. "Oh my he's still in this state." He said before anything. "We've been trying to get anything out of him." Yagyu told him. "I see." He let out a deep sigh. "Izuku!" He yelled finally getting his attention. "Huh, Kiriya-sensei, what is it?" He asked. "Listen, I'm not sure what's troubling you but, if your current self can't deal with it then you need to create your next self that will be strong enough to handle it." He explained to him. "Y...Yes sir." Izuku replied solemnly. "Now then, everyone we'll be proceeding with today's lesson, except for you Izuku, somebody wants to see you right now, head to the shopping district and look for Hanzo's Sushi Shop, you should know where it is." He explained to him. Izuku nodded and left without a single word.

As I walked through the shopping district I remembered as best I could how to get to Hanzo's Shop. Kacchan, why, where are you? It was all I could think about, the look in his eyes that day, he looked hurt and angry to see me. I finally made it to the shop and looking around I saw the spot where I found Kacchan. "Good, it's about time you got here." I heard a familiar voice, I turned and saw a man with long black hair wearing a black outfit covering his body with bandages around his neck. "Master Aizawa." I spoke. "I heard about what happened, it's time we had a talk about the person that had the power before you." He spoke and motioned for me to come in. 

Stepping in, Hanzo turned the sign outside to say closed so that no one would come in. "I heard you saw your friend Katsuki the other day, and he just ran away from you." Aizawa spoke. I nodded my head to his words. "Two years ago when I met you I told your friend Katsuki about the Yoma but, I didn't tell him about your power. One for All is a secret that can't be told to everyone, especially if someone with a lot of power were to find out who currently had it. I want to tell you about the man that came before you, as a Shinobi his name was All Might, he believed that even with stealth, a Shinobi should always have the the power to overcome any crisis. He quickly rose through the ranks and became a Shinobi of the highest rank, Kagura. Kagura Shinobi are on the front lines fighting Yoma left and right always ready to risk their lives. And that's exactly what he did, I was with him that day, we were making an assault on the Yoma, we had located a massive number of them within a stronghold of all things it was incredibly unusual for Yoma to congregate like that but we had to do something, one of them was different, it was talking, Yoma can't normally do this and so we had to proceed with caution. The battle was pointless, so many Shinobi died at his hand that day and All Might threw himself into the danger and fought this Yoma head on."

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