Burst Arc: Chapter 10: The Power of a Shinobi

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As we made our way towards the presence we felt, we found something that none of us were expecting as the presence seemed to fade the closer we got. We found Deku unconscious, and the girls from Hanzo Academy that we fought. "Hebijo!" The black haired one yelled readying her blade. "Stop, we're not looking for a fight!" Homura yelled. "What the hell happened to him?" I demanded, his head was in the lap of the white haired girl, and for whatever reason he had red streaks running through his hair that were slowly fading.

"This guy showed up out of nowhere, he had this awful presence to him and Izuku was prepared to sacrifice himself to let me get away, he managed to beat him but, look at his arm, and his hair turned red for some reason." She explained. "So Muscular was defeated?" An unknown voice spoke. "That's too bad, we even had a 13 eye patch for when he killed the kid, guess he was too strong for him." We all turned and saw a guy with a patchwork body, and his aura was something far more sinister than the creature I fought. "What are you?" I demanded of him. "Haha, well that's a first, most people ask either who or why but never what, guess you're a bit different aren't you Katsuki Bakugo?" He spoke. How did he know my name, I've never seen him before? I questioned. I wanted to charge forth, to summon my weapons, but I couldn't, none of us could.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, the easy way is you all let me kill the vessel and the rest of you get to live, even though one of you did kill two of my friends, my boss would rather keep bloodshed to a minimum, and I don't think I need to tell you what the hard way is." He explained. We couldn't move to begin with, and none of us could find our voices. Mirai fell over and threw up from the aura he was giving out. "I'll just assume the hard way then." He spoke and made his way towards us, he held his hands at his sides as blue flames began to form in them. "I don't think we'll be doing this any kind of way!" Another voice spoke. A man with gray hair suddenly appeared behind him holding a kunai to his throat. "I'm not letting you harm my students monster!" "Kiriya-sensei!" The Hanzo girls yelled. "You think you can stop me Kiriya!" The man yelled as the blue flames circled around his body and tried to burn Kiriya.

He got away and landed before us with another Kunai in hand. "Just who are you, I know you aren't human!" He demanded of the guy. "Well, I don't think you need my real name for right now, so how about you just call me Dabi, for the small amount of your life that remains." He stated and charged at Kiriya. Kiriya stood firm and blocked the attack, the force of which knocked all of us away and made a crater in the sand. Kiriya knocked him away and chased after him. Going blow for blow with Dabi. "He's moving so fast I can't keep up with the fight." Hikage stated. "That's the power of Kirya-sensei, don't worry, he can stop him." The blondie assured us. "If Suzune-sensei were here this would be a bit more assuring." Haruka spoke as we tried to keep track of the battle before us.

Third Person View

The two clashed blow for blow leaving behind only afterimages and blasts to mark where they had been. Kiriya dropped his kunai and summoned forth a chain scythe using the added range to keep his distance from Dabi's flames. Dabi shot forth a stream of fire that seemed to connect with Kiriya. Kiriya left behind a substitution and wrapped Dabi in the chain before slinging him in the air and slamming him into the ground. This gave Kiriya only a moment to breath before Dabi rose up from the ground behind him and kicked him in the side sending him into the nearby forest. "What's the matter Kiriya, don't tell me you're out of breath!" Dabi taunted him. Kiriya caught himself and summoned twin katanas before charging Dabi again. The two continued their game of going blow for blow as their strength caused one shockwave after the other damaging everything in their path.

Kiriya's leg got singed by the flames and he stumbled for a moment. In that split second Dabi closed the distance and was ready to end Kiriya's life. His hand was lit ablaze and mere inches from Kiriya's face when he was suddenly blown away by a drop kick to the head. The cause of which was Izuku Midoriya, his hair was blood red and his aura was ominous with red lightning surrounding his body. "Izuku what are you doing?" Kiriya demanded but he didn't get a response before Izuku charged at Dabi again being able to keep up with him even though he could only use his legs. "Now I see how this boy managed to kill Muscular, he really is different from the others." He exclaimed before Spinner appeared. "Dabi, we need to pull out, the Nomu and Big Sis Magne were both killed by that blonde boy!"

Dabi's eyes widened for a moment before a veil of flames surrounded the two and they vanished into the night. Izuku collapsed forward and his hair returned to its normal green color. Kiriya let out a sigh of relief to himself and picked up the boy before walking back to his students.

Bakugo's POV

Kiriya returned with his clothes covered in tears and Deku over his shoulder. "Is everyone alright?" He asked. Everyone answered with some form of yes. "Good, girls, head inside for the night, and Hebijo students, I know I have no jurisdiction over you but, I would highly suggest heading inside before something else shows up." He spoke. We agreed with him. I was curious about what happened to Deku but, my body and mind were exhausted. I needed to rest. "Kacchan!" One of those Hanzo girls yeller. It was the pink haired one, "Izuku is probably going to be in the hospital because of this, please visit him? He really wants to see you!" She tried to suggest. I looked her dead in the eye and told her only two words. "Hell no!"

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