Burst Arc: Chapter 1: The First Day

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"So this is it, huh?" I questioned walking with the woman that found me. Her hair was a deep purple and from a single look I could tell she was strong. "Yes, this is Hebijo Clandestine Girls Academy, although you will be the first male student." She replied. "First male, you sure this is okay, I couldn't give a damn personally." I questioned her. She gave a nod. "If it wasn't okay, I would have left you to rot in the darkness but, we have a particular saying here, Where good accepts few, evil accepts all, Hebijo turns away no one." She explained as we made our way inside. I was immediately given all kinds of looks from multiple places. They act like they don't want me here, doesn't matter anyway, these bitches are just extras. I thought as someone approached us. It was a girl with dirty blonde hair, with a bow in the top.

"Hello there." She spoke, the way she said it made it seem like she was a little different from the assholes glaring at me. "So, who are you, it's an odd thing for us to have a boy here but, you seem to be decently strong enough, I only hope, otherwise you may not be any fun." She commented. "You wanna run that by me again ribbon top, didn't quite catch it?" I questioned her as my anger was rising.

"Let's not, at least until we have you registered Katsuki, then you can run around and fight whoever you want in this school." The purple haired woman spoke. "Fine but, once I'm registered I'm focusing solely on getting stronger Suzune." How about if I stir things up? I thought and took a deep breath in. "Listen up all of you, I'm gonna be number one ya hear me, so don't even try to get in my way, I'll squash all of you in an instant!" I shouted making them all get angry and show their true colors. Just what i thought would happen, time to shows these losers who's the strongest.

"Oh great, Haruka I'm going to finish his registration, just make sure he doesn't go berserk." Suzune-sensei asked me. "No problem." I answered her and watched as this boys battle began. He held his arms open, his hands weren't clenched into fists though, they were open with the tips of his fingers pointed inward. He was using what appeared to be leopard fist strikes to take down his foes one by one as they came at him. Interesting, he has no shinobi instincts and is instead going solely off the will of a brawler, I wonder what would happen if we gave him Shinobi training, he'll be a fun test subject.

One after another he was taking down our students left and right, "Is that all you've got, bring it on, I don't give a damn who you are!" He yelled egging them on. Why did Suzune want him though, he just seems to be some loud mouth with too much energy, if she wanted him to be trained, why not take him to a different school? I wondered as something strange happened to him. He was slowing down, the other students were landing blows on him, spouting insults where they could. "Weakling." "Nuisance." "Fool." They weren't letting up, he was faltering, trying his best to stay up but failing as they kept attacking him. "No, not again, this can't happen again." He spoke to himself. Again? "Stop calling me weak, I'm not weak, I'm not!" He shouted. It was then that I felt something, an insurmountable blood lust, like a monster. 

"I'M THE STRONGEST THERE IS, I'M NOT WEAK!" He screamed as pitch black waves shot out from his body indiscriminately attack his surroundings, and the other student's. It was a brutal attack, he didn't even seem fazed by it. What is this, why do I feel scared of him, I shouldn't be and yet, just looking at him is making my blood run cold. "YOU WANNA GO NEXT BLONDIE!" He shouted and the waves came for me. My legs felt like lead, I couldn't move. "That's enough!" I heard Suzune-sensei shout and she attacked him knocking him down with a single hit.

"S...Suzune-sensei, what was that?" I questioned her. "That, is the reason I brought him here, those black waves are caused by a strange darkness within his heart, it seems that when he was about to believe what the others were saying they came out, perhaps a failsafe." She explained and picked him up. "Haruka, I'll need your help with this one, I want you to take a sample of his blood and study it, see if maybe there is something with his bloodline that caused this power to manifest?" She asked of me. I did so and pricked his skin with a syringe I keep handy. His blood was red, just like anyone else. I wonder, what will become of him?

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