Vacation Arc: Chapter 8: Taste of Death

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Izuku sped through the city, sticking to the rooftops to keep his presence as hidden as possible. As he got closer to the source of the energy, he felt more and more queasy at the thought of fighting a yoma or whatever Muscular was again. When he reached the source, he spotted three figures, one of them was the shinobi Star and Stripe that Katsuragi and Asuka had told him off, but he didn't recognize the other two. One of them looked masculine, he was wearing a gray trench coat and had a metal mask on, this was Wolfram, but Izuku didn't know his name yet. The other one was the one that had the feel of a Yoma, it was a woman with grey-brown hair that went past her neck, she was wearing a tattered and dirty green cloak with black crosses on the sides. "Who are those two?" Izuku questioned himself. He wasn't close enough to tell what they were saying but could tell from Star's movements that she was about to start fighting them.

A fight indeed broke out and the masked man sent nearby metal pipes at Star who grabbed them, and they turned rubbery. She charged forth and the woman stopped her with a single kick that Star met with a hefty punch. Before she could do anything else, a semi-truck came flying at her and sent her flying away. The yoma woman charged her and unleashed a fury of kicks. I promised Ikaruga I wouldn't fight but I need to help her, at the very least I can fight the guy with no Yoma energy. Izuku though charging from the building he was on straight for Wolfram. Wolfram barely turned in time and was met with a kick that he had to block with his arm. "I was wondering where you were, Izuku Midoriya!" He spoke, "Who are you?" Izuku demanded backing away, "I'm Wolfram, and I have a plan that I just can't let you get in the way of." He replied before launching the twisted metal of a nearby bench at Izuku.

Izuku activated 25% and used the enhanced speed to dodge them. "I don't care what your plan is, but I won't let you kill people." He yelled and charged at Wolfram. He thought faster and coated his body in metal scrap armor before slugging it out with Izuku. Each punch and kick to him hurt Izuku's own body, the metal was just scrap but it felt like tank armor. "Can't break through can you, it's my own original ninjutsu, wasn't hard to create either, not only does it control metal, but I can also change the density of the metal making it near impervious to attacks." Wolfram explained to him. "Why tell me all of that?" Izuku questioned backing away and firing off a barrage of Delaware Smashes. "Because you'll never break it with your flimsy control of One for All." "Just how many people know about One for All?" He demanded. "Hey now, I only learned about it recently, a certain someone found out about my plan and decided to lend me one of his own specialists, that girl over there. He was also kind enough to explain One for All."

"So you receive help from All for One?" Izuku demanded. Wolfram laughed and charged at him. Star intervened and pushed Wolfram back. "Kid, listen to me, you go fight the girl and I'll handle him, I can peel that armor off easily, but you look a bit faster than me, she only has Yoma power, she's still mostly human." Star told him. Izuku gave a nod and ran at the other girl. "So, you're really going to fight me Izuku? No remorse for a fallen friend?" She questioned him. "I don't know you, stop trying to mess with me!" He demanded and charged at her. She pulled a long red staff from behind her and blocked the hit, "Ah, I suppose you technically haven't met me yet, you haven't been to Shinovi Versus yet, but you'll find me in time, unfortunately I'm not allowed to kill you, but I am more than allowed to rough you up." She explained her orders. "Your name?" He demanded. "Jeez, you really are cold to most enemies, well I can't tell you my real name right now, so how about we just go with, Akumu, means Nightmare, pretty similar to the real one."

"Fine then." Izuku replied and charged at Akumu once more, she twirled her staff around with extreme deft, Izuku could barely keep up as he got battered and beaten. He thought quick and used Black whip to launch himself in the air, "Delaware Smash: Air Force!" He yelled, firing off his air blasts again. Akumu parried them with her staff before using it to launch into the air after him. Lightning surrounded the staff, and she struck him out of the air. He yelled in pain as the lightning coursed through him. He writhed in pain but managed to stand up, using his own manipulation of lightning to fire it out of his body. Akumu deflected it from herself but was soon face to face with Izuku who unleashed a heavy kick to her head.

She was knocked away, but it was nowhere near enough to take her down. She stood up and looked at Wolfram, Izuku was caught off guard and gazed over as well to see a sight of horror before him. Star and Stripe's arm was just severed as he looked over at her. "Star!" He called out, trying to run to her aid. "Not so fast!" Akumu spoke tapping her staff on the ground making lighting strike Izuku from above. He was stopped in his tracks and unable to move. The lightning just kept coming, "Wolfram, you should know that I'm under orders not to kill him, but also not to stop his death if it happens, you have no such orders though." Akumu informed Wolfram. He grinned and pulled out a small beaker from his coat. Inside was a silvery liquid, "This will make sure your death is painful Izuku." He spoke using his powers to pull the liquid from the beaker. It collected in front of his finger that he had pointed at Izuku.

As Wolfram made this threat, the other members of the Elite squad were fast approaching and were bearing witness to these events, "Stop!" Asuka yelled trying to get Wolfram's attention. She failed, he wasn't about to break his focus when Izuku's death was so close. Yagyu tried to fire off ink at him, but it was intercepted by the lightning. "We're not gonna make it!" Katsuragi yelled. Suddenly, Hibari pulled way ahead of them on the yellow cloud that Ninto would normally control. She was going far faster than the others and was getting closer and closer to Izuku. She stopped thinking at that moment, she didn't have to think to know what to do, all she wanted was to save someone she loved. Just as Wolfram fired off the mercury, Hibari jumped from the storm cloud and got in front of Izuku shielding him. She took the bullet right to her stomach and collapsed in a heap on the pavement. Akumu was shocked by what had just happened and let go of the lightning. "HIBARI!" Yagyu screamed witnessing what just happened. Izuku slowly turned to see Hibari unmoving on the ground, he couldn't tell if she was breathing or not, his mind began to race going a million miles per hour.

His anger, rage, and sorrow hit its peak and he turned to Wolfram. He slowly stood up and an ominous energy began to come from him. Energy that the others recognized, but only Asuka, Wolfram, and Akumu knew what the energy truly felt like. "A Yoma?" They all questioned. Izuku's eyes turned yellow, and a pale red aura began to surround him as he focused all his rage on a single point, Wolfram.

 Izuku's eyes turned yellow, and a pale red aura began to surround him as he focused all his rage on a single point, Wolfram

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He launched off at Wolfram hitting him harder than ever before and sending him flying away before he then chased after him. Wolfram had to think fast and grab any and all metal around him creating a massive metal tiger to protect himself. Izuku kept going and shot right through the tiger to grab Wolfram before flying down and slamming him into the ground. Akumu showed up and landed a massive blow to Izuku. He then turned his attention to her and let out an inhuman roar as he began to move at untraceable speeds that neither of them could keep up with. From behind he struck Akumu, and she was sent flying. She regained her footing, took one look at Izuku and shook her head, "Fuck this!" She yelled and scratched at the air making a tear that she quickly stepped through disappearing. When Izuku turned to Wolfram he was flying off to the World Trade Center. Izuku tried to chase him, but the power faded as quickly as it showed up and he collapsed to his knees breathing heavily.

He didn't stop to think about himself, there was only one person on his mind right then and there as he turned to run to her. "HIBARI!"

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